Friday, June 15, 2007

I think I need an attitude adjustment...

So we went to the doctor today to see if conditions were "favorable" to have the little guy in my tummy come out and visit the world this weekend. Simple answer...NO. I won't lie...I'm a bit disappointed. And I've tried to say the reason I'm disappointed is because this pretty much means that my OB won't be able to deliver him, as he is out of town the week before I'm due, and isn't on call anytime before that. However - I just need to admit it...I'M TIRED OF BEING PREGNANT!!! I'm tired of getting up 2 or 3 times a night to go potty. I'm tired of not being able to bend over. I'm tired of my hands and ankles swelling up like balloons. I'm just tired. However - this is where I need my attitude adjustment. I apparently am trying to push my timing on this little guy. He, in the meantime, is probably saying to me "Stop pushing me, Mommy! I'm comfortable! I don't want to get out yet! I'll let you know when I'm ready!" And I can see it now - he will be the child I'm going to "push" the rest of his life. Which tells me, that although I have said that I've given it up to God for Him to tell us when the little guy needs to make his big appearance...I really haven't. God may think Pudge needs to go the full 2 1/2 weeks that I have left. He may think Pudge needs to go beyond that. I just need to accept the fact that I'm pregnant (ha!) and be happy with the fact that all signs indicate that Pudge is healthy and strong and have faith that God will take care of both of us. So - no more complaining from me. I'll update you all when Pudge decides to make his big arrival!

Onto my precious girl. Here are her 18 month old pictures. Isn't she a doll???

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