Friday, September 07, 2007

The first day!!!

Kendall started her first day of pre-school today at a local church. She didn't fully understand what she was doing, of course. But Mommy was sure excited for her!!! I took some pictures of her with her Dora lunchbox (of which I know there was at least one exact copy in her classroom this morning...) all dressed and ready to go. Please - someone tell me the trick to get her hair in a ponytail or up on the sides... You would think that after all the practice I had with my hair for years that I would be simple for me to do hers. This is another part of that "girlie" gene that I've learned I do not possess (For those that don't know...the "girlie" gene is what allows most women to be able to decorate their homes effortlessly, wrap beautiful packages, enjoy scrapbooking or other such venture, and, apparently, do your little girls hair.) Anyway - we get to school, and after checking her in, I bring her to her classroom and out to the "dropoff" area - the playground behind the classroom. As I'm talking to her teacher - she runs to one of the toys she spots and starts playing. No "bye bye Mommy" or "I love you Mommy"...just runs and plays. As much as I love the fact that she is independent and doesn't get the seperation anxiety so many other children were experiencing today, I still sometimes wish she would show a little bit of an indication that she might miss me... So Carson and I left and came home...

The house has an eerie quiet right now. No squeeling and laughing in the background. No beeping and whailing of a toy car. No children's television program playing. All I hear right now is the cooing of my son and the ocean sounds and nursery music coming out of the bouncer he is in. My little girl is in school. Wow. Sure it isn't kindergarten or anything like that, it is, afterall only 2 days a week. And sure, she is only gone for 3 1/2 hours. But it is amazing how quiet the house is. I've become accustomed to hearing her noises throughtout the house. Between her giggles and squeals as she runs after Chance, trying to grab his tail or give him a hug, to the sound of her toys banging into walls or falling on the floor. I forget how quiet those first few months of a baby's life are. Of course I'm used to the quiet when Kendall is taking her afternoon nap. But having this quiet in the house in the morning is just...well...weird... Thankfully - I won't be able to experience the quiet that often. My plans (well...we all know how plans can go...) are that after I drop Kendall off in the mornings, I'll go to the gym for an hour, then do my grocery shopping or whatever little errands I need to do. Most likely - I'll only have half and hour or so to myself in the house before I will have to leave to pick her up by 12:45. Sure there will be days, like next Friday, when I'll have an appointment I have to keep and there won't be time for the gym I will have a little longer in the quiet. And, of course, as Carson gets older he will be more active and make more noise.
Speaking of Carson...he had his 2 month old check up on Tuesday. Drum roll please....25 1/2 inches long and 15 pounds 5 ounces!!! He is the size of an average 5 month old!!! What a sweetie!!!

These pictures were taken yesterday and I thought were just too cute NOT to put up on the blog. :)

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