Saturday, December 15, 2007

Really? A day off??

I realized that one of the reasons I haven't been posting more regularly - is that I feel this pressure (which I put upon myself...I know) to go over anything that happened since the last time I wrote every time I post a blog. Well...all this causes is procrastination...and here we are, 2 weeks have flown by again from the last time I posted. So...if I can get to a computer to write about what happened that day or that week - I will. If I can only jump on for a minute here and there...I will. If not...oh well. One more thing off of my to-do list... :)
My parents are AWESOME!!! (and I'm not just saying that because I know they read my blog...haha) They drove down from Jacksonville today to watch the kids so that Jeff and I could get our Christmas shopping done and go to a movie. So about 10:30 this morning, Jeff and I left and brought a carefully constructed list and several valuable coupons with us. Thankfully we had gotten a lot of our shopping done on-line this year - so we didn't have too many stops to make. Plus - we found ways to combine gifts for people all at just a few stores. Unfortunately...we did have to go to the mall...uggghhhh...but including a stop for lunch around noon - we were done by 3pm. After a quick call home to make sure everything was good...we went to see a movie. ("I am Legend" starring Will Smith - pretty good - worth the price of admission - which, by the way, is ridiculous these days - $8 for a matinee/student ticket!!! I remember when a student ticket only cost $3.50!!!...but then again...I digress). So...we arrived back home around 5:30 to find two incredibly happy children and two happy grandparents...and since we were so relaxed from having the whole afternoon "off"...we all started singing "If you're happy and you know it, clap your hands"!!! haha Just kidding...
I can't believe Christmas is only a week and 3 days away. How did that happen??? Christmas this year should be fun for our family this year. Kendall is really starting to understand the whole "presents" idea...and every morning she runs into the living room to see the Christmas tree and a life-size ( least to her) Santa Claus. I can't wait to see her face Christmas morning with all the presents under the tree...and one very special present in the back-yard (assuming Jeff and I can figure out how to put it together on Christmas Eve that is...). Next year should be even more fun. Kendall will be 3 and Carson 18 months...I'm sure there will be lots of squeals of excitement a year from now. :)
Well - I need to get to my Christmas cards. If I stay on tract...they should actually be in the mail by Tuesday morning...keep your fingers crossed for me! haha
As I haven't posted any pictures of the kids in a are a few I thought just needed to be posted!
Jeff and I LOVE this picture...Carson just happened to be starting to fuss and I snapped the picture right as he was looking at Kendall. Although this wasn't an intentional look at Kendall this time...we know that someday soon in the future - she'll be getting lots of those looks! haha
Our family on Thanksgiving Day (poor Kendall was sick - with an ear infection and croup...).
My little girl being goofy on the porch.
Our happy little guy!
Daddy and his little girl.

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