Sunday, November 02, 2008

I hate this time change thing...

I know that the time change is supposed to "give" us an extra hour of sleep...but whomever invented the concept didn't have children...because they don't get the idea...I've been up since 5am today (which would have been 6am and I would have been thrilled if it wasn't for this time change...). Anyway - I'm exhausted, but wanted to make sure I got on here and posted some pictures of the kids.

Here is a not-so-happy Carson at Kendall's parade at school...he wanted to get out and run around and mean Mommy wouldn't let him...

Cinderella Kendall on her parade.

Our little "Princess" is the tallest in her class...
Here Kendall is on Halloween night.

I just love this picture of her...I know it is kind of fuzzy...but she is just so pretty in it...

One of only 3 pictures of Carson in his full costume...because within minutes of putting it on...

He took off his "Alligator" hat...

Here are my loves - Alligator Carson, Cowboy Daddy, and Cinderella Kendall right before they went out to trick-or-treat.

Kendall was such a good girl trick-or-treating. Carson stayed in the wagon that Daddy was pulling (he had slightly twisted his ankle earlier in the day and fussed every time he walked on it, so we decided to pull him in a wagon so he wouldn't irritate it even more). Kendall would go up to the door, get two pieces of candy, then put one in Carson's pumpkin first, then put one in her pumpkin...all without ever being asked!!! She is such a good big sister! :)

On Saturday we went to Jacksonville for the annual Georgia/Florida game. Mom and Dad went to the game with us and I got just a few pictures.

Jeff and I enjoying the slaughtering of the Georgia Bulldogs (we won 49-10).

Go Gators!!!

1 comment:

Mini said...

I there with you GF....Jordan got up yesterday and today at 5:45 (normally he gets up at 6:45) and last night he fell asleep on the couch at 7:00! I hope he finishes his adjustment soon cause I am tired of being tired.