Thursday, February 07, 2008

We've resorted to bargaining...

In an effort to try and get our 2 year old to eat her fruits and veggies...bargaining seems to be the trick. This morning as I was eating my oh so healthy honey nut daughter had a plate full of mandarin oranges in front of her that were untouched. Her french toast sticks had been gobbled up the minute the plate was in front of her...but her oranges...not so much (which really...I shouldn't be too surprised...I don't like mandarin oranges myself...). Anyway - she saw me eating my cereal and wanted some. I told her at first that if she ate all her oranges then she could have some. Then, in desperation, I finally told her that for every orange slice she ate - she could have a bite of my cereal. That worked like a charm. Her plate was empty in no was my cereal bowl. I'll have to see if that works with veggies too... What is it about toddlers that they will eat practically any carb in site...but avoid veggies like the plague?? In fact - she used to LOVE french fries...and I can hardly get her to eat those anymore. Her diet pretty much consists of the following foods (none of which are on the food pyramid I think...): apple juice, milk, french toast sticks, grilled cheese sandwich, chicken fingers (sometimes...), hot dogs (sometimes), macaroni and cheese. She will eat those Del Monte food cans - as long as it is peaches or mixed fruit. She used to eat the pineapple and mandarin oranges like a champ...but no more... She loves grapes - but really only red grapes. She'll eat the green ones...but only in desperation it seems like. She does like apples...sometimes...and Grandpa can give her a regular orange and she'll eat it - but I think in her mind anything Grandpa gives her is a cookie...hmm...maybe I ought to try him out on feeding her veggies... :)

Carson is finally pulling himself up to standing!!! Yesterday he did it for the first time as I was sitting on the couch working with Kendall on a puzzle board. I looked up and there he was - smiling from ear to ear, up on his feet. He was just so pleased with himself!!! He's done it like 4 more times since before we know it - he will be cruising around the furniture!!! And...he was up again this morning bright and early - around 4:53am was the first time I heard him. I actually got up about 5:10. But...last night we went to dinner and to pick up a new suit for Jeff that he had altered - so we didn't get the kids in bed until 8 o'clock (which for Kendall isn't a problem...but I'm suspecting that we have to have Carson in bed by 7:15 to 7:30 each night...). So...if my theory is correct - if I put him to bed by 7:30 tonight - then he will sleep till at least 5:30 tomorrow morning. BUT...we are hopefully going to see some dear friends of ours that had a baby on Tuesday when Jeff gets home from work. So...hopefully we can get back early enough to continue testing out my theory...

Speaking of Jeff and Maria and baby Anthony - here is one of his first pictures with his mommy. Congrats guys!!!

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