Tuesday, January 15, 2008

He's mobile!!!

Uh oh...its all over now...my little guy is a movin' and a grovin'... On Sunday he started to crawl. Not the typical on hands and knees crawl...more of an "army" crawl...but he is definitely moving and getting to wherever he wants to go. So I recorded him crawling for you all to see...isn't he so cute??? Also - Kendall is on there demonstrating her "tiptoing" technique...and telling everyone how great Tim Tebow (2007 Heisman Trophy winner) is. Enjoy!!!

Monday morning the kids and I had to take Jeff to work as his truck was in the shop. On the way - at one point I had to stop quickly... "Wow! Hold on tight!" was what was heard coming from the backseat. Jeff and I couldn't stop laughing. Of course, he made a remark that it was my driving which prompted the comment from our little blondie...

Well...as much as I'd love to continue...my little man won't take his nap and is currently crying for me to get him out of bed... Hopefully more later...

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