Thursday, January 31, 2008

Well...I was kind of right...

So - Kendall did have a little bit of a croupy cough last night and this morning...but as we were thinking it could happen - we plugged in her cool mist humidifier last night and her cough didn't seem to bother her too much. She woke up around 2:30 crying and coughing - but I think she was having a nightmare (I just hate the fact that she has nightmares already...) and after I calmed her down, she was back to sleep in moments. So depending upon how she does tonight - most likely she will stay home with me tomorrow.

Potty Training - Day 4 far Kendall has received 3 M&Ms (but why is the bag so empty...hmm...must be gremlins...)...and she received the 3 M&Ms on day 1 of training...So I'm not sure how effective my training technique is... I'm (finally) going to the grocery store today and I'm going to pick her up some pull-ups. I know they make some that she can feel when she is wet (they get cold) I think I'll try those and next week (Monday) start putting her on the potty once every hour. Then...if there is still no progression...then the following week I'll put her on the potty once every half hour. Hopefully it starts to warm up a bit outside - because if I get to that, then I'm going to just let her run around in her diaper so I don't have to keep taking pants off of her...

Carson has really gotten the nack of crawling!!! He motors everywhere!!! This morning I set him down in the living room as I walked into the kitchen to get breakfast ready. Then I went to Kendall's room for something (can't remember for the life of me what it was...but it must have been important...) and when I came back - Carson was in our foyer on his way to the playroom/office. Before I know it...we'll have to gate off the stairs like we did for Kendall...

Jeff and I are both almost certain that we are done having kids. When Kendall was this age - we both knew that we wanted more...and two months later - we got pregnant with Carson. Jeff said to me the other day "I'm DONE" after a particularly rough day at the office and equally rough time upon arriving home and finding a screaming Carson (gas problems) and hyperactive Kendall (I swear I don't give her sugar...). I'm not ready to say "I'm Done" yet. Although I really think I am done...I'm ready to get back to being "Amy" again...and discovering myself and having some independence away from kids again...just the thought of not sharing the love I have for my two kids with another child just about breaks my heart. And then I start thinking about not toting a child on a hip at all times and not being interupted 15 times while talking on the phone (or typing a blog) and I realize I really don't want anymore. But I'm just not ready to say it out loud yet...what is it about not having more children that depresses normal women. I have several friends that are in the same situation as me...that think that they are done having kids...but are depressed at the same time at the thought of never being pregnant again...or never having that beautiful, slimly, screaming thing laid down upon your chest the moment after it is born...or never having those tender moments when they are asleep in your arms or on your shoulder. This is the primary reason that Jeff and I haven't made any "permanent" adjustments that would forever inhibit us from having more children. Just because we both think we're done now...doesn't mean we both will think the same thing a year from now... And then...there are some very dear friends of ours that had kids the same distance apart as our two...and then they got pregnant again...with TWINS!!! She is currently 32 weeks along...with a 3 year old and almost 2 year old... She is going to have 4 children under 3 1/2... To be honest - given the high probability of twins in our family - that is one of the reasons that we are leaning against getting pregnant again. I don't know how she does it. Honestly - she really is an inspiration - they are handling everything with such grace and such a good attitude - it is so obvious how much God is involved in their lives. I am normally a very upbeat and positive person...but I really don't think I could be in the same situation - although I also believe that God helps you to rise above who you would normally be to be able to handle the gifts He gives you. If God did decide to bless Jeff and I with more children - I know that we would love them and care for them as God intended us to do - and I would surely be afraid and nervous - but with God's help, as in my friend's case - I would also be excited and look forward to sharing my love with even more dear ones.

Anyway - now I'm just babbling...

Hi ho hi ho...back to potty training I go...

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