Well - we knew it wouldn't be easy... But honestly - so far it isn't that bad. The days that I have to change 3 diapers within 15 minutes are fun...but since Carson pretty much just eats, sleeps and poops...he isn't too much of a handful yet. Plus - he is so far such a good baby!!! If he is crying - you know he is hungry or has a dirty diaper. And more often than not...it is because he is hungry. Boy can that boy eat!!! The tricky times come when I am feeding him and Kendall wants to get up in my lap at the same time. She doesn't understand that she can't do that...and there really isn't a way to explain it to a (almost) 20 month old. Also - it is hard for me because all I want to do is cuddle with Carson like I did with Kendall when she was that little. But...I can't because Kendall needs my attention, especially now more than ever so that she knows we still love her as much as before. But she continues to be a great big sister. She has shown no anger towards Carson - all she wants to do is hug him and kiss him. She has been very sweet!
Kendall was so fun the other night. A friend brought us dinner - and Kendall's consisted of fettuccine noodles in a butter sauce. She was covered in butter sauce by the end of her meal. We stripped her naked right there at the table and walked her back to get a bath, minding that she didn't touch anything...
I still haven't decided who he looks like - me or Jeff. Anyone out there think one way or another?? :)