Thursday, April 24, 2008

My poor baby...

To say the least...our weekend was NOT a fun one. Friday morning, Kendall woke up with a small fever (100.9 degrees). However...she didn't have any other symptoms at I gave her some Tylenol and sent her off to school (Mother's guilt kicking in...). She acted just fine when I picked her up from school...and took her nap great. BUT...when she got up from her nap...her temperature was 103.2. But...again no symptoms. We dosed her up with some more Tylenol and some Motrin and she was fine. Saturday morning she woke up with 102.4 and started to sound raspy and had a bit of a cough. So...we called the doctor and got her in (assuming that it was an ear infection). At the time...the doctor (who wasn't our normal pediatrician...just one of the doctors in the office) said that it was just a virus and had to run its course. Saturday evening she was coughing a lot more...and was very slightly croupy in her cough. So we put her humidifier in her room...Jeff was a trooper and was in and out of her room a lot that night...because she kept waking herself up coughing. The next day she continued to get even "croupier"...and by the time I posted my blog that day...sounded really rough. Jeff and I were trying to decide when to take her to the doctor - on Monday when she could see her regular pediatrician...or that day at the Peds After Hours clinic (which we have had bad experiences with before). Well...once I actually posted my blog...I went into her room to check on her as she was napping...and I noticed that her whole body was moving and working very hard each breath she took. So...that solved it for me...and I called the clinic at 3pm and we were told to bring her in right away. By 3:45 we were in an examination room with her first of 3 breathing treatments being administered. (Jeff had to run back home after we got there...because on the way she threw up all over herself and the car seat...). Well...after a steroid shot and the 3 breathing treatments...she was still struggling to breathe. So they decided that she needed to be admitted to the hospital for further treatments and monitoring. So at about 6:30pm an ambulance came and whisked Kendall and Mommy away (she was sitting on my lap for the ride) to the hospital and she was admitted to Shands Hospital at UF at about 6:45/7pm.

Here she is getting a "direct" dose of a cool mist humidifier. She also has an IV attached (it is protected by the brown tape and splint so that she couldn't take it off) to give her fluids since she hadn't been eating or drinking hardly anything for a few days. The yellow bear - named "Chelly" by Kendall - is what the paramedics gave her on the ambulance ride.

One of several breathing treatments of rescimic epinephrine (sp?) - which is supposed to last 4 hours between each treatment...but which only lasted 45 minutes to an hour for her.

Up in the Pediatric ICU - they have her hooked up to monitors, and of course, her IV. She is also "wearing" a mask which was giving her HeliOx (a helium and oxygen mixture). Unfortunately - she didn't wear the mask well - because every time she rolled over or half-way woke up - she was pushing at the Mommy was holding the mask up to her face from 2am when we got to the ICU until 7am...when they determined that since the mask didn't have a good seal - it really wasn't giving her any benefit.

My little baby sleeping somewhat soundly...

Kendall sitting on Daddy's lap on Monday morning - still miserable but feeling tons better!

Kendall sitting on Mommy's lap on Tuesday morning. They had moved her out of ICU and onto a regular floor at about 10:30pm. Here...we are just waiting for them to tell us that we could go home.
So around 11:15am on Tuesday morning - final paperwork signed - Jeff, Kendall and myself were walking out of the hospital and going home. What an exhausting few days... Yesterday we went to see her regular doctor for her follow-up and he said that from now on - the minute she sounds croupy - we need to get her either oral or injection steroids to try to head off her going into the hospital again. And Carson (who had started to sound croupy himself) received a steroid shot to try to keep any problems for him at bay.
Oh - and you probably think all of that is enough right?? Apparently not...because on Tuesday morning as I was letting Rally inside from going potty...I managed to kick the door with my little toe...and broke it! I haven't seen a doctor - because besides taping it...there is really nothing they can do. So...Jeff "taped" it with some band aids Tuesday night...but before he did - I took a picture to show you how beautiful a bruise a broken toe makes:

Yesterday Kendall was feeling pretty much back to her normal self. In fact...she was fun enough that I HAVE to tell this story in this blog (although it would be a good blog in and of itself...). We were outside playing in the yard (me, the kids and the dogs). Kendall had gotten some flowers from her Memo (Jeff's mom) when she was in the hospital. The flowers were the kind where you actually want to plant them in a pot and everything. Anyway - the flowers were on the porch - and Carson and I were out in the yard - with Kendall floating between us...carrying a new flower in her hand each time that she had plucked from her pot. I told her that the flowers would die if she kept plucking them...but oh all that stands is some pitiful looking green stems with no flowers attached... Anyway - during all one point I'm tickling and kissing Carson, not watching Kendall and I hear her say "Poo poo". When I look up...Kendall is ankle deep in sandals...with an armful of white flowers in her arms. So I go inside, put Carson in his play-pen, grab the wipes and have Kendall sit on a pooh-free zone, then take off her sandals and clean off her feet and ankles with the wipes. Then I have her stand up and tell her to walk back in the house...when I notice that her bottom is covered in pooh too... She had managed to not only sit in pooh...but stomp in it too... all while holding her pretty white flowers in her arms. My only that I didn't think to grab my camera to take a picture... it was so funny...such a contrast - flowers and smiles and beautiful girl from the waist up...pooh and stink from the waist down!!!

Sunday, April 20, 2008

You should see the OTHER guy!!!

So...learning how to walk does come with its challenges and bumps and bruises...and bright red lines across the center of one's nose...

And...obviously...I shouldn't be too relaxed when it comes to the state of the "relationship" with the boys (Chance & Rally)...

What looks like a vampire bite on Rally's jaw line, is actually where Chance decided to bite him when, heaven forbid, Rally was too close to Carson's high-chair at lunch time. What you don't see are another two bite marks right on the edge of the ear entrance. Luckily - no stitches were needed...and all we are doing (after spending $108 at the vet for this) is giving Rally some antibiotics. However...we are really considering sending the boys (Chance specifically...although it would benefit Rally as well) to a "spa"...intense in-house training at J&K Canine Academy ( for 3 weeks. It is expensive...but it might just help get Chance out of his psycho dog stuff...and it would give both boys some good discipline (and apparently get Rally out of the "puppy mouthing" that is starting to aggravate my human babies...especially when Rally practices it on Carson's pudgy little feet or Kendall's arm...) If we decide to send them both - we have to wait until after May 7 though, because that is when Rally will be done with all his puppy shots (and be 16 weeks old). Basically - we are trying to decide one of three things: 1) both boys go to the in-house training, 2) Chance goes to in-house training and Rally gets basic obedience in a group setting, 3) both boys get basic obedience in a group setting. According to our behaviorist - she recommends the first option...but that is very expensive...and we don't know if we (especially Kendall) can handle 3 weeks away from the boys... But - as we have until the first week of May to really make a decision...I'll keep you posted...

We discovered that Kendall is one of only 1% of the population to have a particular characteristic. She is sick again (high fever - 100.3 degrees even with Tylenol and Motrin in her; raspy, labored breathing, coughing...out and out miserable most of the time) and we brought her to the doctor yesterday morning (but of course..."its a virus...let it take its course"). Anyway - we saw a different doctor than her normal one and he said she has a bifid know that little thing that hangs down in the back of your mouth...normally it is one single almost bell shaped thing...but hers looks more like a "w" after more attempts than I care to is a picture:

Cool huh??? The doctor says it is genetic...and that someone down the line in one of our families probably had the same thing (although neither Jeff or I have it)... We always knew Kendall was a unique little girl - but now we have concrete proof!!! :)

And one of my favorite pictures of recent memory:

Aren't I lucky???

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Has it really been that long???

I don't think I actually realized how long it had been since I last posted a blog...until I noticed my last one...about when Jeff was off work due to that dreaded illness. And although it seems like just yesterday that he had it...eons have passed and a lot has gone on in the Hogue family.
Most recently - we have brought home an addition to our family. Rally is a 13 week old yellow labrador retriever. Luckily...he isn't your typical that he is very gentle and laid back and isn't at all bouncing off the walls like one would expect a puppy to do. We are still working with crate training and housebreaking him...which we know will be a long process. But unfortunately - the worst thing we are having to deal Chance, our 7 1/2 year old german shepard chow mix, is having some aggressive issues in regards to the puppy. He does NOT like the idea of another animal coming into HIS home and loving on HIS parents and loving and playing with HIS kids. So...we are working with Kim at J&K Canine (go to their website - - this organization is GREAT!!! We have worked with Pepe himself in the past and he is WONDERFUL!!!). After a week and a half...the boys are getting along better...still not wonderfull...but I'm not terrified that Chance is going to eat Rally anymore. However...until I feel 100% comfortable that Chance isn't going to hurt Rally - this means that on top of chasing after my two human children...I have to keep the dogs pretty much separated at all times if I'm not able to moderate their activities. FUN FUN!!!

Kendall and Carson are doing great!!!
Kendall continues to amaze us with how smart she is. She can sing the entire ABC song (some of the letters get "blended"...but otherwise there is no doubt what she is singing)...and she loves to sing all the time. We are constantly singing everything from "Jesus Loves Me" to "Twinkle Twinkle Little Start" to "You are my Sunshine". And I do me WE are singing...because she sings right along with us. She rides her tricycle like a pro...she loves to play pretend. We will be sitting out on the back yard playing with the dogs and she sees the clouds in the sky and starts standing on her tiptoes so that she can "get" them. One day, Jeff and I were both with her, and I said that I was hungry and could she get me a cloud to eat. So...she "pulled" one down and handed it to me and I pretended to eat it. She smiled at me...then got one for herself and for Jeff and for Carson and for Chance and for is so fun watching her imagination at work.

Carson just had his 9 month doctor visit last week...30" long and 23lbs 4oz...which although seems actually smaller than Kendall was at 9 months (she was 30.5" long and 23lbs 14oz). Monday he took his first exciting!!! and so scary!!! He is still more comfortable cruising around furniture and on the walls...but with encouragement he will take a step or two without holding onto anything now. It is only a matter of time before I'm chasing him around the house!!! And when that happens...boy am I in trouble...because he is already into EVERYTHING he can get into...I am scared to think what it will be when he is actually walking on his own. He is such a happy little guy...but boy howdy...when he gets out!!! That red hair that seems to still be sticking around sure gets him fired up!!! We have also found the perfect nickname for him - BamBam - because he is CONSTANTLY banging things with his it fits! Oh...and I almost forgot - he clapped his little pudgy hands for the first time on Saturday at the spring football game (Orange and Blue Game for the Florida Gators)...he didn't do it great...but he did clap them nonetheless.

I promise I will try to be better about keeping the blog one of my friends put it "after two kids under 3, an older dog and a puppy, you will have more than enough to write a novel that will crack us all up."