Monday, November 14, 2011

Fall Busyness

The kids are tucked safely in bed. Jeff is at a meeting. And I am trying to play catch up to the ever multiplying laundry that I NEVER can seem to get a hold of. As a matter of fact - my washing machine beeped at me about 5 minutes ago...and I've yet to go do something about it. I know that if I do manage to get it into the dryer this evening, and if I manage to put another load in the washer...there are at least 2 or 3 more loads after that I'll never get around to doing. Laundry is simply the bain of my existence. Please tell me - why is it that no one (including my husband) knows how to take their clothes off without them becoming inside out? I mean really? At least 50-75% of ALL the socks are inside out as they go through the wash...which means they don't get cleaned very good. order to make sure all my laundry is actually clean (I mean...that is the point of doing it in the first place right?) I have to take 5-10 minutes just turning socks right side out. Argh. Also - could someone PLEASE invent receipt paper that doesn't disintegrate into a million little confetti balls in the dryer when it goes through in someone's pocket on accident. There is nothing worse than opening up the dryer only to have a mountain of tiny pieces of paper fall onto the floor in front of you.
Okay - enough venting. Life has been busy here. As usual. Kendall is now seeing a team of specialists at Nemours Children's clinic in Jacksonville to hopefully solve her soiling problem (see previous post here). Carson is doing GREAT with his speech therapy. In fact - the latest developmental inventory at his school shows his speech and language at a 5 year old level. We still think he needs more help with pronunciation...a LOT more help. But he really is doing tons better there! Now...we are hoping to get more work done on his motor skills. Some of his gross motor skills need some assistance, and he needs a lot of help on fine motor skills - specifically in regards to drawing/writing, etc. But - between his school and the additional therapy we are getting him outside of school - we are optimistic he will be caught up very quickly.
I am staying busy at real estate. I have one listing that is already in a contract. Another listing for a bank owned property in a condominium. And one (a single family home) that will be listed by the end of this week for the same bank that owns the condominium. I love the experience I'm getting and although I would like to be busier at times...I have to keep reminding myself that I am only part time. It is just that I get so excited and so gung ho...I have to reign myself in at times.
Here are just a few pictures.
The kids (Rally too) at Devil's Millhopper.
Jeff and the kids picking out just the right pumpkin for Halloween.
My friend Juliet from "Gnomeo & Juliet" (aka Kelly) and me (the bunny) at Trunk or Treat.
Kendall, Carson & Anthony getting ready to trick or treat. (Note the great looking Jack-o-Lantern that the kids and I carved out!)

Thursday, August 18, 2011

And the summer has begun!!!

Wow! This school year has been a busy one! I am so glad that summer is here!
Wait...what??? You mean that summer is actually over??? WOW!!! That went FAST!
Kendall was in VPK at O2B Kids 5 days a week...Carson was in their "preschool" (aka daycare) 3 days a week...and I honestly cannot say how the summer went by so incredibly fast!!! Last summer it seemed to drag on and on and on... This summer...well...I really don't know how it is over already!
So...quick recap of the events of the summer: I changed Real Estate firms and am now with Coldwell Banker MM Parrish Realtors (click here), Carson turned 4 (OMG!!! my BABY is now 4 years old!!!), Kendall starts Kindergarten in 4 days. AHHHHH!!!!!
Tomorrow morning we have open house at her school, Oak Hall, where we will get to meet her teacher, and hopefully a few of the students in her class. How is it possible that I have a Kindergartner??? It seems like only yesterday I was bringing her home from the she is in "real" school. I know I've always been the kind of mom that loves my time alone. I've had Kendall in "school" since she was almost 2 years old (Carson has been there since he was just over a year old). But I think knowing that there was the freedom of if I didn't want to send her to school someday for whatever reason I didn't make it as "real" to me. can't miss just because I decide I want her home with me. She will actually be bringing homework home...I will have to be the kind of mom that actually tries to make sure she gets stuff done in the evening before she can play Wii.
Not only will this year be a transition for will be one for me as well!!!

Sunday, June 19, 2011

What isn't in words is made up in pictures.

I really don't know what I need to write about...just feel like I should write something as it has been three weeks since my last post. So...I'm going to try to re-tell a recent funny story with the kids.

Kendall's haircut:
One evening, about 30 minutes before Jeff got home from work, I was trying to encourage my kids to get their rooms cleaned up as they were horrible. I know that Jeff is better able to relax at home after a long day if the house isn't a complete disaster. Anyway - I am in Kendall's room helping her clean up and am on the floor in front of her dresser picking up small pieces of paper that had been cut out of "snow" she had cut out. As I brush my hand under her dresser to get a piece of paper, my hand comes out with a little bunch of about 2 inch long hair...Kendall colored hair. "Kendall honey, did you cut your hair?" I ask her. At this point, I look over at Kendall and she looks at me, looks at her bed, looks at me, looks at the door to her room. I can see the wheels turning in her brain...trying to figure out what she will get in trouble for more: 1) cutting her hair or 2) telling me she didn't cut her hair when she can plainly see that I have a little tuft of it in my hand. I ask her again, "Did you cut your hair honey?" "Uh huh?" was her reply. Trying to stifle my giggling, I say "Sweetie, I'm not mad at you, but did you cut it?" "Just a little bit," she almost whispers. "Where did you cut it?" I only ask her this because I honestly hadn't noticed any difference over the last couple of days. "Right here," she says motioning to the hair in front that just barely touches her shoulder (which is layered towards her face just a little). "And a little on this side, too." She is kind of fidgeting at this point and I can tell that she is reading herself for me to lecture her or get angry. Thankfully, God had given me the gift of a sense of humor at that very moment, so I just tell her that I'm not angry at all, it is her hair and if she wants to cut it to just let me know and I'll either help her or we will go see our hairstylist to have her help us. Kendall is pleased and we continue cleaning. Then I scoot my hand under her dresser again, and this time come out with the same amount of hair...but this time very coarse and jet black. Keep in mind that NO ONE in my family had hair that dark...not even the dogs. So I ask her, "Honey, did you cut one of your Barbie doll's hair too?" She stops and has that same look of "uh oh...what do I do here" on her face. "No, Mommy. Remember, my hair is getting darker and darker." At this point it is all I can do to not bust out laughing...

Sad thing is...I've actually had quite a few funny stories lately that I've told Jeff in the evenings after kids are in bed...but unfortunately my brain isn't working right now and I can't remember a thing. ARGH! I'll probably remember something as soon as I turn off the computer for the night... I need to keep a little notepad by the bed so I can jot down notes and re-tell them here. (Yes Mom...I are right...I should have posted the stories the same day they happened so I wouldn't forget...)

So - here are a few pictures of our happenings lately to tide you over until I return.

After spending a near fortune on new rain gear for the kids (rain jackets, boots and umbrellas to match), I let the kids play in the rain and puddles one afternoon. So fun!

Kendall is done with pre-school!!! This is a picture of her very last it to this one (here) of her very first day. WOW!!! Can't believe she was ever that little!!!

This is Kendall and one of her teachers, Ms. Smith. Kendall will miss you!!!

And here is her "Graduation" picture.

And last but not least...We got a BOAT!!! We have been out on it several times and are going out again this coming weekend with my folks. Here are a few pictures from different times (and bodies of water) we have been on it so far.

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

And it has a name...

Most of you that know me and my family know that we have struggled with Kendall and her bowel movements...for years...literally. We started potty training her when she was just over 2 years old... Started...failed...stopped. Started...failed...stopped. Finally - when she was about 3-3 1/2 she finally "got it" in regards to her urination. She also knew how to control her BMs, but refused. How did I know that she knew how to control them? Well - she would hold them in all day long at school...and as soon as she saw me to bring her home, she would release (she knew that if she had a BM at school, they would call me and I would have to take her home). When she was working towards a goal - she controlled it like a champ. But the minute she got her goal...she stopped. Just before she turned 4, we started her in play therapy...hoping that whatever the issue was would be taken care of through that. After doing one hour of play therapy one day a week for over 6 all... So we stopped play therapy and prayed. Finally - the first part of May 2010 (just before we left for a family cruise)...she "got it". Whatever behavioral, control issues she was going through ended...and what followed was about 6 months of almost bliss! No more accidents...just like that. No issues at all. What had previously been constant stress and frustration was suddenly resolved - for her and Jeff and I. I have no doubt whatsoever that prior to this point - her BM issues were a behavioral thing and any punishment was justified.

Fast forward to the end of November, 2010...just after her 5th birthday...she comes home from school three days in a row with really bad "wiping" problems. (Keep in mind that she hadn't had ANY issues for over six months...) We tell her that she needs to work on it and we will help her as best as we can. Then the next two days in a row she has "accidents". After dealing with this yet again...stress, frustration, crying (on my end more than hers I think)...just before Christmas we bring her to the doctor because Kendall swears that she can't help it, that she has a "bug" in her belly. Ms. Pat (a Nurse Practitioner (?)) does a rectal exam on her, and says that "I can't cure stubbornness". She then tells us that her sphincter isn't very strong, so we probably need to re-train her bowels. So - we were told to go home and give her an enema (the worst experience Jeff and I have ever had...not to mention Kendall) - and then give her mineral oil every morning mixed with grape juice. We told Kendall (supporting her with the "bug" theory) that the mineral oil/grape juice is medicine to get the bug out. Again...bliss for three or four weeks. Then...mid January - we learn about Carson being developmentally delayed...and I have a really hard time dealing with it...thus stress in the house...and more accidents from Kendall.

Fast forward to now...we have been dealing with "accidents" now on and off since then. We've gotten angry...cried...made threats...promises...nothing has worked. Then - after one particularly bad week - I started researching on the internet hoping to find someone that is going through the same thing that I was. Little did I know, Jeff was doing the same thing. We both came across the term "encopresis" (for more information on this condition, go here), but neither of us really thought it was the issue. BUT...what I read sat in my head and every time she had an accident, I thought of the stuff I read and the descriptions from parents in forums. Last week - after another really bad week...we went to the doctor (to have the doctor look at an injury of Carson's that was infected) and asked about Kendall. I brought up encopresis, and based upon my description, Ms. Tayna (a Nurse Practitioner) agreed that it is most likely what it is. She said it is VERY common...and in the cases she has seen, that she recommends just giving the children MiraLax every night, and try to make set potty times (like after breakfast in the morning) to encourage a movement.

Although I know we have a long way to go, I am confident that this is a physical issue that she can't all... She is just as surprised as I am most of the time that there is any soiling in her underwear...she simply doesn't know it has happened... If you open the link above and read about the condition - she is pretty much a textbook case. Knowing this does a few things for me: 1) makes me feel guilty about the number of times I've screamed and punished her over accidents that she really couldn't help and 2) gives me hope...because now I know that with our doctor's help - and most importantly - God's healing - we will get through this.

I don't have any idea how many of you out there that read this blog are going through the same thing we are...if any of you are at all. If you are though, you are not alone. I have felt alone and frustrated and scared for a long time. And now I feel we have an answer and will hopefully see a resolution in this very soon.

Friday, May 20, 2011

Things I don't want to ever forget

Yesterday afternoon as I was snuggling with my little boy, I said a quick prayer to God to not let me forget moments like that. What most of you don't that I have a HORRIBLE memory. Truly. I am pretty much positive that when I am old and grey I WILL get Alzheimer's. I feel sometimes like I have it now. Half of the people from high school that I'm now "friends" with on facebook...I couldn't tell you anything about them. Some of the names sound vaguely familiar...but that is about it. What is really annoying (and embarrassing) is when people remember things and say something to me about them. Like the other day Mom and I were talking about my sister nursing her new little girl, Ginny. Mom said something about how dry and sore and cracked the nipples can get and asked if I remembered that from when I was nursing Kendall. really. Then Mom said "You don't remember how you used to bleed a little a couple times?" OHHH...yeah...I do vaguely remember calling Kendall our little vampire because I did start bleeding a little bit (but the doctor said it wouldn't hurt her). But it is so fuzzy in my memory...that I almost feel like it didn't actually happen to me...that it happened to someone else and I just heard the story. When people sit around chit chatting and telling stories...if someone looks at me and says "Amy, tell them about the time that..." I always hesitate a little bit...because I know that either I will miss big parts of the story or I'll tell it wrong or over embellish because I don't remember... I've never forgotten the big things - like who my family is and where I live (so no...I'm not going through early onset Alzheimer's) is the details that I forget...and then eventually - I forget pretty much everything. High school is already fuzzy...I only have bits and pieces from before that...most of my first marriage I've forgotten (probably out of self-preservation)... But - I really do pray that I don't forget most of the good stuff from the

Kendall - she is absolutely stunning when she wakes up in the morning. Something about the mussiness of her hair surrounding her little round face with pink cheeks...takes my breath away almost every morning. She LOVES to hug and give kisses. Constantly. She will sing to herself, making up the song as she goes along. She NEVER stops talking...I've even heard her talking in her sleep. She is ultra sensitive...if a friend at school doesn't want to play with her for whatever reason, she is wrecked for the rest of the day.

Carson - LOVES to cuddle with me when he first wakes up from his nap. Sometimes he only needs 5 minutes...sometimes he needs 30. When he isn't being a typical 3 year old...he loves to hold my hand when we are walking somewhere. He is such a sweet kid that I do forget that when he is being difficult (which is like 50% of the time...). Where Kendall does a closed lip smile when you ask her to smile for a picture, Carson is great at giving a great big cheesy grin....most of the time. He always has a toy in his hands...normally a car or a train or an airplane (thanks Grandpa)...sometimes his pirate sword.

Here is a picture of them from Easter. Grandma & Grandpa bought them their outfits...and Kendall was so proud of her little purse. Where did she learn to pose like that??? haha And there is Carson's mischievous little know he is always up to something...

One quick story that I do need to tell...otherwise I'm sure I'll forget it. Last Saturday morning we all went up to Grandma and Grandpa's house for the night (they had a shrimp and crawfish boil on Saturday afternoon). Well - Saturday morning Jeff and I are running around the house - getting our stuff packed up and picking the house up so that our house/pet sitter could actually function and not feel like she was walking into a mess. Anyway - the bags were all in the hall leading to the garage, Jeff was in his office doing something, and I was in the kitchen finishing writing a note to our sitter. I hear Carson call me to the laundry room (which is between the hall and the garage door) to help him. I walk over and he has his arms extended over the sink and is up on his tip toes trying to reach the faucet like he wants to wash his hands. So I say "You want to wash your hands buddy? Why don't you..." then I notice that his hands are a light blue. "Carson, what is on your hands?" I ask, then turn my head just a little to see the bottle of Downy open on the washing machine...the lid/cup sitting next to in in a ring of the liquid...and blue streaks all down the front of the machine...into a good size puddle of blue on the rug and tile floor... Apparently - Carson wanted to help do laundry...opened the bottle of Downy and managed to pour a ton on his hands...the rug...the front of the machine... I WISH I would have had the good sense to grab the camera and take a picture...ah well... hopefully I've described it enough that you can imagine what happened!

Tuesday, May 03, 2011

A new chapter

Life has been crazy busy as usual...but I can see the light at the end of the tunnel where things are going to slow down significantly for myself. Officially on May 31, I will no longer be the VP of Finance for the Junior League of Gainesville, as the new year begins for the JLG and leadership switches and swaps. I will still be very active in the JLG, and will be a member of Nominating and Placement - but my actual time commitment will most likely drop by over 50%!!!

One thing I want to impress upon whomever is reading my blog - is that I really enjoyed being Treasurer and the VP of Finance. The time commitment was huge, the amount of emails I received on a daily basis is staggering...but the impact on me was life-changing! It has to be one of the most rewarding positions I've ever had! I was able to work closely with such a great group of women that are passionate about helping the community. And although my hands were not the ones actually out there doing the "grunt" position was no less important. Someone has to take care of the finances...and in a not for profit organization, the goal is to spend as little as possible doing that. YES we have an accountant that files our taxes each year. And YES we have a bookkeeper that helps us with some of the day to day data entry that can be pretty overwhelming...and also answers the questions that someone like me with no finance or accounting background was constantly asking! But I have this knowledge now and this confidence that if someone or some other organization was to ask me to help them with their finances in a similar position - I actually have a clue as to what I'm doing! How fantastic!!!

Without my affiliation with the JLG and without someone's encouragement to take the Treasurer position back in October of 2009 - I never would have felt the way I do now. One of the goals of the JLG is to help train and educate women within the organization so that they can in turn go out and be civic leaders in the community. I can say without a hesitation that the JLG certainly did this for me!

If you are currently in the JLG or in a JL somewhere else in the country - I would encourage you to take the leap and step into a leadership position! I know the thought can be overwhelming and a little daunting...but trust me - IT IS WORTH IT!!!

Tuesday, April 05, 2011

You know it's been a long time when...

So quite a few people have asked me how I've been doing with couponing as I haven't posted anything in a while. Honestly - not that bad. March was a bad month. My heart just wasn't in it...but I still managed to spend under $1000 for groceries...which is about $200 less than we were averaging last year. After a very successful shopping trip yesterday morning (Total OOP $53.63, Total Savings $109.56), two things happened: 1) I got re-invigorated by the whole thing, and 2) I did bookkeeping for our family and compared spending to date from this time last year. So far in 2011 I've saved our family $1100 compared to what we spent last year! If that is all I ever do...If I can save $1000 per quarter...that is $4000 a YEAR!!! I said - I really didn't do very good in March. So I still think I can make a bigger difference going forward. Speaking of making a difference - I stumbled upon a great website. Zeal for a Deal takes the weekly ad with coupon match-ups and figures out how by spending only around $3, you can provide $20-35 worth of groceries to those in need! I started thinking about what I've said in this very blog...about donating things that I don't need or want, but can get either free or at a good price. However - I haven't been great about doing that lately... Unless I could get it free or "make money" on the deal - I really didn't give it a second look. In other words - if it didn't take any extra effort on my part, then I was willing to buy and donate. However - at my church we are currently studying and having a sermon series (in addition to small group bible studies on the same matter), a book called "The Hole in Our Gospel" by Richard Stearns. (see more about it here - I highly recommend it if you want to challenge yourself) It is an amazing book that questions how we as Christians actually "walk the walk" rather than just "talking the talk"...or rather - how we haven't been doing that. So - my plan is to now be more deliberate when I'm doing my grocery planning, and deliberately buy OOP $5-10 per week items for the hungry/needy in our community...regardless if it is items that I can use myself in my family. For example - my coupon websites that I frequent in doing my planning, have some GREAT deals not only on Crest toothpaste, but also on Oral-B toothbrushes. Great enough that I should be able to "buy" 10 tubes of toothpaste and 10 toothbrushes. Do we need that many in our family? Sure we will someday go through them...but we don't need 10! So - I'm going to "buy" 10 of each...and donate 8. Another great deal is Mueller's pasta. It is BOGO (starting on Thursday), and with a coupon I have, I can buy two boxes of pasta for only $0.39. At this point - we really don't need any more pasta in the house...but I plan on buying at least 6 or 8 boxes and donating them. Also - Wish Bone salad dressing is BOGO. I wish I could say that my family eats a lot of salad...but we don' that is something I would normally have overlooked. However, with coupons and the sale, I can buy 4 bottles for less than the regular price of one. Imagine if all of us used the free resources that are out there and really tried to do this. The food banks would be busting at the seams with food...needy families wouldn't be turned away from the shelters when they are looking to eat...and it would only cost each of us $3-5 a week!!! What a difference that would make!!!

Wednesday, February 23, 2011


First of all - let me preface this by saying that I pretty much look at rebates/gift cards as "free money." I know that typically you had to spend money out of pocket in order to get the rebate...but I do not ever actually count on getting the money until it is in my hand. So - that being total OOP today on my groceries is because I had a rebate gift card for something I mailed in last year (December 2010).

Here is my fantastic shopping trip (skip ahead if you don't want to see every last thing):

4 boxes Aunt Jemima frozen pancakes
14 boxes Green Giant frozen veggies
1 loaf of bread
4 boxes Yoplait Gogurt
4 packages Ball Park Bun Size Franks
4 bottles Sundown Vitamin B-6 (50 mg, 150 ct)
1 gallon milk
4 packages Hershey's Milk Boxes
6 28oz cans Hunts Tomatoes
8 boxes Totino's Party Pizza
2 bags Dunkin Donuts Whole Bean coffee
4 packages Progresso Bread Crumbs
4 cans Progresso soup
4 boxes Progresso 100% chicken broth
4 jars Bertolli Pasta sauce
2 jars Crisco 100% Extra Virgin Olive Oil
1 bag Dog Food
1 package Pull-ups
3 2lb Pork Tenderloins

Total Savings - $147.22 ($56.54 of that was just on Publix's BOGOS and special sales...which makes another $90 in coupons!!!); Total rebate gift card - $84.69; Total OOP - $2.60!!!!

I'm thrilled!!!! Even if you take the gift card out of the picture - I had over a 63% savings today!!! With it...I'm at a 99% savings!!!!

How are you all doing with your coupons and savings? Isn't this fun!!!!

Tuesday, February 08, 2011

Rushing and Rushing and Rushing

Now that Carson has been in his new school officially a week (Wednesday last week through today), we are starting to get into a little routine of sorts:

5:30am - Jeff's alarm goes off (meaning the radio or iPod starts), and the coffee grinder on our coffee pot (Cuisinart Grind and Brew) goes off
5:45am - Carson wanders into the room carrying floppy (his lovie) and whatever toy he went to bed with the night before (Jeff and I think that the coffee pot wakes him up)
6:00am - either myself or Jeff stumbles into the kitchen to get a cup of coffee for each of us, make juice for the kids, give our oldest dog his medicine (he has to get it twice a day 1 hour before he eats), check and see if the paper is here yet (9 times out of 10 it isn't). ALSO - Kendall's alarm (radio) goes off
6:15am - I realize what time it is and that I'm not even dressed I race into the bathroom to throw on my clothes and try to make my face and hair look decent. ALSO - Kendall's alarm (buzzer) goes off
6:35am - as Jeff is just getting into the shower (or just getting out) I urge Carson out of our room and to the other side of the house to get him dressed. I open Kendall's door, and despite the alarm going beep-beep-beep, she is still sound asleep. So, I turn on the light, touch her to wake her up and then run into Carson's room. As I'm getting Carson dressed...or rather trying to encourage him to do it himself...I'm yelling over to Kendall to get out of bed and start getting dressed because we are now running late (always???)
6:40am - Carson is now dressed, and I continue to gently (yeah right...) urge Kendall to get dressed.
6:45am - Jeff is typically coming into the kitchen now, and either starts to make breakfast for the kids or comes into help me get Kendall dressed.
6:50am - Kendall is FINALLY dressed and I run a brush through her hair real quick as we run into the kitchen to eat whatever Jeff has made
7:05am - Tell kids for the 100th time to stop talking and eat their breakfast while I am cleaning up the kitchen and making sure all the beds are made
7:10am - Finally done (or at least most of the way done) with breakfast, I usher the kids into the bathroom to brush teeth, then change Carson's diaper, encourage Kendall to use the potty, etc. Realize we haven't fed the dogs yet and rush to try to get that done
7:15am - we are throwing on our coats/jackets and walking out the door with bags and lunchboxes in hand, and a to-go cup of coffee for me
7:45am - arrive at Carson's school and walk him to his room
8:00am - arrive at Kendall's school and walk her in
8:01am - BREATHE!!! (then do whatever little errands I need to do all morning long or go home and sleep...yeah right...)
12:50pm - pick up Carson at school
1:00pm - pick up Kendall at school
1:30pm - arrive at Gainesville Health and Fitness Center and check kids into kids club, then head to bathroom to change into workout attire then head up to the treadmill
2:40pm - pick up kids from kids club, where I've been paged at least 2 times because Carson has a poopy diaper
3:05pm - get home and put Carson down for a nap
6pm-6:30pm'ish - Jeff gets home from work/dinner
7pm'ish - clean up from dinner and make lunches for the kids for school the next day
7:45pm - realize what time it is and put the kids to bed
8:15pm - kids finally in bed...45 minutes after we really wanted them there...and we collapse...

To fill in all the blank spaces of time...there is grocery shopping, laundry, bookkeeping, etc. I feel like every day is packed! On the days that we don't have to rush out of the house (which is rare) I don't want to do anything at all... Then, of course, there are days that we are eating breakfast in the car... I think I sometimes eat more meals in my car than I ever do at home! Is every one's life like this?? Really?? Wow...

Wednesday, February 02, 2011

Last week's coupon deals

Thought I got so wrapped up in Carson that I forgot about couponing huh??? Wrong!!! Haha

Last week was okay. No outstanding deals that made me really excited. But - I did do pretty good I think. Total OOP $163.68, Total Savings $92.32. Again...if I can consistently save $100 a week...then I'm happy!!!! PLUS this included a run to Target for a couple things and I didn't have my coupons with me or get them ready before I left. Shock! I can't tell you how hard it was for me to buy Cover Girl foundation when I KNEW I had a coupon at home...but because of everything happening with Carson...I didn't have time to find it. Argghhh Plus - we ate out a few more times last week than we have since the beginning of the year.

This next week I am excited about one deal...making money on something I don't need again... Sominex or Vivarin is $3.19 per 16 count package. There is a Publix store coupon in the Green flyer (usually in the big kiosk that turns) for $5 off of 2 items (has a picture of Citrucel, OsCal Ecotrin & Gaviscon). PLUS - there was a link to print a $2 off of 1 box of Sominex coupon and a $2 off 1 box of Vivarin coupon. So...I'm "buying" 2 boxes of Sominex and 2 boxes of Vivarin (total of $12.76), with my 2 Publix coupons that is less $10, and my one coupon per box of medicine that is less $8...which means I will actually be able to apply $5.24 BACK to the rest of my grocery bill...and I will have 2 boxes of Sominex and 2 boxes of Vivarin to donate somewhere. Pretty cool huh???

Saturday, January 29, 2011

A new direction

If you are one of my friends on facebook, I have been placing "cryptic" (per a good friend) messages in the last few days in regards to something that is happening with our family. I had wanted to get more information before I spoke in length about this - but it still may be several more days to even weeks...months...years...before we have all the answers. So - here is my story:

Last December (2009), we had our youngest, son Carson, evaluated through Early Steps for a speech delay. At the time we didn't know if Carson was actually delayed in his speech, or if his older sister was so advanced, that Carson (being normal) seemed delayed in comparison. When the people with Early Steps came out to evaluate him, they measured ALL areas of his development. At the time, he was normal in ALL areas, including communication. He was in the low end of normal for communication, but still normal.

Jeff and I were still not happy...but a friend told us that when he turned three, he would be eligible through FDLRS (Florida Diagnostic & Learning Resources System) to be evaluated again, and that their "normal" levels are set at a different criteria. So, in July (2010) when Carson turned three, we called FDLRS and got a packet of information sent to us. After answering about 1001 questions as to Carson's development, we sent the packet back in and awaited the reply. In August we received a letter that said that he qualified for further evaluation, and that someone would call us to set up our "Team Speech Evaluation". Come October, we still hadn't heard I called the number at the bottom of the letter every day for two weeks until I finally got a live person on the phone. Carson was scheduled for his evaluation on January 6. Anxious but happy we finally had an appointment, Jeff and I waited (non)patiently for his appointment date.

The day of the appointment, Jeff, Carson and I drove across town to Metcalf Elementary School, where all the evaluations are completed. As Jeff and I sat down at a round table and answered another 1001 questions about all stages of his development, Carson sat down at a little table with four women around him asking him questions and having him do simple tasks. About 30-40 minutes into the evaluation - Carson pretty much quit and wouldn't cooperate at all. A week later, they called me and asked me to bring him back in for more evaluation because they felt like they didn't get enough information from him to feel comfortable with their assessment. So, on January 18, Carson and I went back. This time, Carson sat down with only 2 ladies as I sat at the big round table and watched. Another 30-40 minutes and he was done...meaning he didn't want to cooperate at all.

This past Wednesday, the 26th, Jeff and I went back yet again and were given the results of his evaluation. Let me say that all I expected was that they would tell us that he did in deed qualify for speech therapy and would be approved for a couple of times a week. Never in my wildest dreams would I have thought that they were going to tell me that Carson is Developmentally Delayed with a speech and language impairment, and that they were recommending full time placement in the Pre-K ESE department with the Alachua County School District. I felt like I had been punched in the gut. Jeff asked them if Carson gets his speech problems fixed, would the rest of the delay sort itself out. The child psychologist at the table said that although a lot of the delay would be corrected, she really felt like there is an underlying reason behind the delay. Although she wasn't ready to make a diagnosis, she suspects that Carson either is ADD or Autistic.

On Thursday I showed the mountain of paperwork with their findings to another good friend, C, who has a Doctorate in Special Education, and has worked in a Pre-K ESE Department in Leon County. After looking over all the paperwork, and trying to be as objective as possible since she has known Carson since birth, she says that she agrees with the child psychologist. She agrees that Carson should be in a full time program, and that she also thinks that just solving the speech isn't going to solve all of Carson's issues.

As much as we respect C's opinion...Jeff and I are actually going to go one step farther. Another friend, A, is a very good and respected child psychiatrist in town. She suggested that we have him evaluated by an M.D. (such as herself). An M.D. would actually be able to pin down the diagnosis and either a) confirm our fears that he is autistic or b) confirm our hopes that getting his speech caught up will solve all the problems. However, she is afraid she wouldn't be objective as she is close to us and our family, so she is referring us to an M.D. in Ocala that she respects and trusts greatly. On Monday we will call him and set up an appointment for another evaluation (which will probably not be for another 1 or 2 weeks), and hopefully some more answers.

Until then, we plan on going along with FDLRS findings, and get him registered in a local elementary school in the Pre-K ESE department. We are currently assigned to Terwilliger Elementary School, but we are hoping to get re-assigned to Talbot Elementary School for three reasons: 1) Kendall is going to pre-school (literally) right around the corner from Talbot, 2) Jeff's office is just down the same road that Talbot is on, and 3) my real estate office is just down the road from Jeff's office. Essentially, Talbot would be so much more convenient for us. Jeff and I are meeting the Pre-K ESE Department head on Monday morning to not only talk about the delay in getting Carson evaluated in the first place, but also about getting his school reassigned.

So - as I said above - I still feel like we have more questions than we have answers. are a few truths that I know with every ounce of my being: Carson is a very happy and healthy child with an amazing spirit. I had a very hard time getting myself to the point that I could talk about this without crying...heck...even thinking about it got me crying. I think that when you have all these plans in your head for your children, and this comes out at you from seemingly no-where...I had a hard time getting around what I had planned, and what it is now. I am trying not to think too much about the future at this point...just take it day by day until we have more answers. If the M.D. says that Carson is autistic...then I'll buy every book on autism that I can find and soak up as much information as I can so that I know what I'm talking about when we talk to other professionals or doctors. If the M.D. says that Carson is ADD...then I'll do the same thing. If the M.D. says that Carson is perfectly normal and just needs to get his speech figured out, then I'll find the best speech therapists I can and learn what they do so that he can get to normal as quickly as possible. Regardless of what the M.D. says...or anyone else for that matter... my son is the most wonderful boy in the world and I'm lucky to have him in my life. That I know without having to be evaluated.

Monday, January 24, 2011

Potty training 101

I apologize in advance...because this is going to be a venting more than a posting...

As anyone that knows me and knows my family, or even anyone that has been reading this blog for a while can tell you...I am not a successful potty trainer. Some would say that it is my kids...that my kids are the ones that aren't successful potty learners and not the other way around. Regardless of the fact - my children refuse to be those kids that learn how to potty train at 18 months or even 2 years old...or even 3 years old for that matter.

Kendall didn't get fully potty trained until she was 4 1/2!!! She knew how to control her potty movements...but chose not to for whatever reason. We tried EVERYTHING! Charts, positive reinforcement, negative reinforcement, NO reaction at all, TONS of reaction each time, bribery, withdrawal, even play therapy with a licensed therapist!!! It was only when she decided that she wanted to do it that she did it. We even had a relapse over Christmas break...and after an enema and daily doses of Mineral Oil in Grape juice - she once again decided to take control of her problems again. To say that her lack of potty training success was a stressor in our house is an understatement. I think that had she had a physical developmental delay, I wouldn't have been as stressed over the whole affair...but it was an actual unwillingness to do what needed to be done in the place it needed to be done was a behavioral problem. She know how...she knew the "signs" that she needed to go...and she just simply refused. Thankfully - I think the worst of it is past us...but I still say silent prayers anytime I bring her someplace new or have someone that doesn't know her very well watch her... I am so afraid that she might start messing her underwear again that I am still on guard sometimes.

Anyway - that is Kendall. Then...there is Carson. We haven't even really begun trying to potty train him. He has sat on the potty and even done both kinds of business - obviously proud of himself and promising that he'll do it again. But - he hasn't learned how to control it yet, so there is no stress involved yet for me. That is...until I encounter a situation where because he is 3 1/2 (and/or because he is the size of a 5 year old), he is expected to be potty trained. I did briefly start potty training him during Christmas break...and then Kendall's relapse I decided one issue at a time... I am so over charts after making one after another after another unsuccessfully with his sister... I honestly am not even sure how to tackle potty training Carson. Do I make one more chart...bribe him with Hershey's Kisses...give him an M&M every time I do a "quick check" to see if he is clean and dry? All of the above?? I really am at a loss...because although I know his sister is the one that determined when she would finally use the potty...I still feel like a failure. There is a part of me that says that when he is ready, he will make himself abundantly clear and it will happen...but he is also at that age that a lot of pre-schools (or even our Sunday school at church) require that he be potty trained to be in the class. I admit - I'm tired of carrying around a change of pull-ups and wipes with us everywhere we go. I'm tired of the expense of diapers and least $16 a week... He is WAY too big for the changing tables at the changing him when we are out and about is a huge problem... But - I also think (am afraid) that if I try to push him before he is completely ready...we'll have another problem like we had with Kendall...

I know that he will be potty trained before he is in college...but there is honesty a HUGE part of me that hopes that I'll wake up one day and it will magically be done. Isn't there a Potty-Training Fairy???

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Not as good...but still happy.

I think I need to rename my "Coupon Times" or something...that is all I've written about for over a week... ah well...

So today was one of my first big shopping trips without kids where I could really concentrate. Let me first say that I wasn't as excited about the sales and coupon match-ups this week as I was last week (in other words - not a lot of stuff that was "free" or "cash back"). BUT...this week every single thing I bought I will use - whereas last week I've got a bag full of Maalox and Vitamin D and baby lotion that I'll never use currently sitting in my laundry room. So - for those of you that are willing to read my grocery list - enjoy...otherwise - skip to below:

2 Gallons Milk
1 bag shredded Mexican cheese
1 block Colby/jack cheese
4 packages of milk boxes
4 boxes Mrs. Paul's Fish Sticks
4 bags Bird's Eye Steamfresh veggies
2 tubes of Colgate toothpaste
2 boxes lunchables
2 4-packs of YoPlait Yo-Plus yogurt
2 packages Perdue chicken breasts
1 package boneless pork chops
1 package beef cubed steak
2 whole chickens
2 bags of Halls Cough drops
1 bag Dunkin Donuts whole bean coffee
4 boxes Taco Bell taco dinner kit
2 bottles Aunt Jemima Syrup
2 jars Tostito salsa
4 jars Ragu pasta sauce
1 bottle Niacin
8 bags Kraft Homestyle Mac n Cheese
2 packs make-up remover towels
6 bags Idahoian instant mashed potatoes
3 bottles Mott's Apple juice
2 bags Fresh Express salad
1 bag Romaine Hearts
1 package Tortillas
1 5lb bag of potatoes
3 Tomatoes
2 Sweet onions
1 package zucchini
2 red bell peppers
1 garlic
1 package of Pull-ups
1 package of Viva paper towels.

Just in store savings alone - there was $75.55 - this is before I even gave them a coupon! So this is on the BOGOs and sales on veggies and meat, etc. Then...I had another $42.16 in coupons! So - total OOP $147.29 (ouch...), total savings - $116.71. Not as impressive as before - but seeing as I plan on using each and every thing I bought - I'm happy. I have a spreadsheet that I've been using to track my total percentage of savings now that I'm doing this. So far for the year - I'm averaging savings at 65%!!! I would guess I only did 15-20% last I'm thrilled just at that!

On Sunday when I get the inserts - there is supposed to be a coupon for Hunt's canned tomatoes - so I'll be buying 12 of them for only $3.30 (with a total savings of $12.90 between BOGO and another coupon I have for them.) And...beyond that...I don't have any plans on heading back to the store this week. I think that today's trip took care of us for another week... Since I used the service this week to plan 4 dinners from Sunday night through Saturday night next week, I don't think we'll need anything else at the store.

I'll keep you posted (as usual...)

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

This saving thing is addicting!!!

Okay - so I've been to the grocery store more this week than I've ever been in one week before in my life. BUT....when I consistently save more than I spend every single time I go...I can't help myself!!!

Yesterday - I stopped by for a few things:
2 Loafs of Bread
2 Bottles of coffee creamer
4 boxes of Splenda packets (50 ct)
2 bottles of Maalox

Total OOP - $4.95, Total Savings - $27.17

Today - again...just a few items...
1 bag of Dog food
6 boxes of Kleenex
1 bottle shampoo for my kids
1 bottle of Tide
2 jars Peter Pan Peanut butter
1 jar Nutella
4 bottles of Vitamin D

Total OOP - $31.05, Total Savings - $44.04

Just this week alone (from the 13th until today) my total OOP is $164.53, and my total savings is $214.08!!! I am getting the hang of this...that is for sure!!! There is still a lot of work to be done - but already in this week alone I have saved about $90 from what I typically spend in a week of grocery shopping. If this is as good as I ever get...then in a year I'll save over $4600!!!

Next week I'm going to try combining the couponing with meal planning. There is a link to the right of my posts for E-mealz. It is a service that for $15 a quarter, it will give you a weekly meal plan based on what is on sale that week at your local grocery store. You can choose a variety of meal plans - I chose a low-fat plan for a family of 4 from Publix. I've been a member since July - but haven't used the service that much. I hate planning meals more than anything...and since this tells you what to cook and what ingredients you need to cook it...then it does makes it really easy. It also gives you your shopping list so you buy only what you need for the meals. I really think that if I combine the two ideas - then not only are my meals planned for the next week, but I'm still saving tons of money...

I'll keep you posted!!!

Friday, January 14, 2011

And the results are in...

So yesterday was my big shopping day to see if I could successfully save money using the coupon system my friend and mentor, J, has shown me. What I didn't plan on, however, was:
1) That I would have a side kick with me all day - which makes trying to really focus and be a savvy shopper next to impossible. Carson woke up yesterday morning with pink eye (which we confirmed with his doctor on the way to taking Kendall to school), so he got to hang with Mom all day long...
2) That going to a different grocery store for the very first time when doing this kind of shopping isn't a very good idea. Why can't they make every single Publix a clone of the next one? I ended up walking around like a nincompoop tyring to figure out where everything was...I do want to go back next time - so I haven't ruled it out at all.

Anyway - between those two things above...and two important phone calls while I was shopping that I HAD to take (one from my Broker about a listing and one for the Junior League) focus was less than stellar to say the least. Also - my grand idea of getting x number of this and x number of that didn't work out either...because either I couldn't find the item in question or they didn't have as many as I needed...

All of that being said - here are my purchases (from two different stores on the same day):

Dog food
2 Bags Potato Chips
4 Aunt Jemima Waffles
2 Yoplait Gogurt
Clorox 2
Philly Cream Cheese
Kraft American Singles
Hillshire Farms Turkey Breast lunch meat
2 Honey Nut Cheerios
2 Fruity Cheerios
4 Uncle Bens Whole Grain White Rice
3 Mott's Apple Juice
Parm Reggiano block of cheese
Horseradish Sauce
2 Bags of Baby Carrots
3 Johnson & Johnson Baby Lotion
Red Grapes
7 Maalox
4 First Aid Travel Kit
2 Ben Gay
8 Lysol Air Sanitizing Spray

Total OOP (out of pocket) = $115.80
Total Savings = $117.35
Success I think!!!

Now - I will admit that there was about $42 in items in the "total savings" column that I "bought" (for cash out of pocket for them) that I will NEVER use and plan on giving away/donating. However - that still means a savings of over $75 on items we DO use and DO buy on a regular basis!!! That is better than I've ever done before!

I still am looking forward to seeing what happens in the next few weeks, especially when stuff is on sale and I have coupons for things like laundry detergent, dog food, body wash, etc... stuff that we use every single day. Jeff is thrilled...and I'm still cautiously optimistic. Will I ever get to the total of $60-70 average a week...hmm...lets hope!!!

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

And away we go...

Tomorrow the sale starts at Publix. BUT...the websites all had the sales and coupons that can be applied today... So - for the last several hours (mainly because I'm still getting used to what I'm doing...) I've been pouring over the website, figuring out how many of something I want... And...if I'm right - I should be able to spend well under $100 tomorrow for everything (including fresh produce, lunch meat and sliced cheese, dog food, dishwasher soap, etc.), plus SAVE more than that. "How?" you ask??

Well...take Maalox for example. Jeff and I don't regularly use Maalox...but it is currently priced at $4.49, and there is a manufacturer's coupon for $5 off of any Maalox product...which means that I will get an overage of $0.51 applied to my bill... So...I'm buying 9 of them (for a credit to me of $4.59), and I'll donate them to somewhere (not sure who would take it as a donation...but I'll figure that out later).

Then...there is the Futuro Wrist Wrap, priced at $3.79. Neither Jeff or I really need a wrist wrap...but...there is a store coupon for $2.00 of each one, AND a manufacturer's coupon for $3.00 off of each one...which means I will be credited $1.21 for each one I buy... I'm buying four (only because that is all the coupons I could print/get), for a credit to me of $4.84. Again - we'll donate them somewhere - I'm sure someone could use them.

Or...take my biggest "saver", SunDown Vitamin D. It is priced at $2.99 per bottle right now. There is a store coupon for $6.00 off of 2...right there each bottle is now FREE. BUT...there is also a manufacturer's coupon for $3.00 off of 2. That is a credit of $1.51 per bottle I buy using those two I am buying 8 of them for a total credit of $12.08!!!

That is only a couple of the deals that are a credit to me. BUT...what about the Lysol Neutra Air Sanitizing Spray. Priced at $3.59, it is actually BOGO this week at Publix. So..that with a manufacturer's coupon of $1.50 off each one...means I'm only paying $0.29 EACH can. So...I'm buying 8 of them for only $2.36...which is less than ONE typically costs! And...I shouldn't have to buy any Air Sanitizing spray again for at least a year!

Wow...I can see how this can get addictive!!!

I'll let you know tomorrow how my trip went and how successful I actually was! :) :) :)

Monday, January 10, 2011

A Clarification & Apology

Unfortunately - in my excitement to get my last post done before I collapsed in bed at 9:30pm...I made it sound like my friend and mentor in couponing didn't respond at all to me. When I went to bed...she hadn't. But - there was a lengthy text sitting on my phone when I got up in the morning, offering me encouragement and letting me know not to be discouraged...and where to find the Sunday paper with inserts this week if I ended up not finding one at all. You see - unlike myself - when she is with her husband and adorable children - she turns her cell phone off. She actually devotes ALL of her attention to the family...something that I need to aspire to!

J - please take this as a very public apology!!! If I in any way offended you or made anyone think that you weren't responsive I am truly sorry! I am lucky to have a friend that is willing to hold my hand through this endeavour, when she herself is crazy busy with her own commitments and family. I am thrilled that you are willing to walk through this new challenge with me, and promise that I will try not to be flippant with my words in the future.

Sunday, January 09, 2011 was a close one.

As I mentioned in my prior post, part of me doing the new to get multiple copies of the coupons each week. Luckily - my newspaper delivery guy gave me my coupon inserts BOTH on Saturday and Sunday...then, my mother-in-law kept her inserts out for me. So - just to start the day I had 3 copies. But...that isn't enough... So - after the kids were in bed this evening, I ran off to the store to get a few more copies.

First stop - Publix by (about a mile from) my house - plenty of inserts. 2nd and 3rd stops - CVS and Walgreen's about 2 miles from there...same thing. "UGGGHHH" I thought. "Here I am trying to get the whole process started and I'm stalled before I even begin." So - I sent a text to my mentor in all of this...and before she answered (which she never did...but how many people actually have their cell phones by them at 8:30 on a Sunday evening???) I decided to run down to another Publix and CVS that are about 3 miles from there. Thankfully - the papers were at the Publix and I never had to check the CVS. But - when the guy showed me where they keep their papers...I literally squealed a little bit! I was so excited after being shut out three other times...I almost felt like a kid in a candy store!!! And all of this over coupon inserts... I can't wait until I have my first receipt where I saved the same as or more than I spent!!! I think I'll be doing back flips out of the store... haha

Oh - and to try to reinforce what I'm going to be practicing...I signed up for a class that the wife of an associate pastor at my church teaches. She teaches essentially the same thing, but also uses CVS and Walgreen's a lot more than my friend. It is a one night a week for three weeks class, and I hope that the reinforcement of what I'm learning, along with three more weeks of instruction, will keep me going in these next few weeks when things are bound to be slow as I'm getting everything together.

I'll keep you posted! :)

Saturday, January 08, 2011

My one resolution this year.

By even putting this in writing, I risk sabotaging my success in it. It seems like just as I make my resolutions or goals know to the world via this blog or facebook, I become destined to fail in it. I'm not sure why I do that...but I hope I can change this trend this time.

So - first up - an admission. I pay full price for my groceries most of the time. **GASP** Sure I try to take advantage of BOGOs (Buy One Get One sales)... I dutifully cut out coupons each week and put them in a pretty little carrier that typically stays right where I put it when all the coupons have been filed according to type of food. I cringe each time I check out and see how much I spend...and how little I save (Publix is so nice to put that on their receipts). But I quickly forget...until we look at our budget at the end of the year and see how much we've actually spent on groceries for our family of four. Do I dare put it in writing?? Uggg...this is going to hurt. We average approximately $250 per week on groceries...that is over $13,000 PER YEAR!!! Is everyone else getting as sick as I am getting right now???

Second - what am I going to do about it? I am very fortunate to know several women that are pretty much experts at using coupons and sales to pretty much pay NOTHING for their groceries. I know a woman that said that if she HAD to say what her weekly budget was for groceries, she would say $40 a week....but that it probably wasn't even that high!!! Another friend that I sat down with a few days ago said that she probably spends about $60-70 per week on groceries...with SAVINGS of between $200-300 per week!!!

"Sure" you say..."but they can only buy junk food and no meat and fresh produce can be included in that bottom line." WRONG!!! The number above includes meat, fresh produce, toiletries, DIAPERS for her 1 year old...EVERYTHING!!!

"Time then" you say..."they must be putting in hours upon hours upon hours at the store and researching" WRONG!!! She actually works on her grocery list/plan about 2 hours each week...then goes to the grocery store on average 3 times a week for only 20-25 minutes for each visit.

So what is the negative? You see - the trick is to "stockpile" the items your family uses on a regular basis to last through the sale cycles (usually around 6 weeks) or in some cases, to last for a year if you want... Which means, in some cases, 8 jars of peanut butter...10 boxes of cereal...etc.

Also - getting multiple copies of the Sunday paper each week so that you get multiple copies of the coupon inserts to be able to have ready and available to take advantage of. Oh- and knowing how the coupons work (for example, you can use BOTH a manufacturer's coupon AND a store or competitor coupon for EACH item that is BOGO). This means....if a $4.00 item is BOGO, then essentially each item is $2.00...then if you have a manufacturers coupon for $1.00, and a store coupon for the same item for $1.00...then you "buy" two BOGO items with 4 coupons...and they are free. So...if you can get two items free...why not 4 or 6 or 8 if you have enough coupons? And then you hold on to them and you won't have to buy the item again until it is on sale again and you have coupons again. Clear as mud?

Am I going to be as successful as my friends? I don't know...but I'm sure going to try. IF I can do as well as my friends above - then I can expect my grocery bill at the end of the year to only be around $3500!!! However - just starting out I don't plan on setting my goal to be THAT high... So - my goal is that by the end of the year - using this technique - that our grocery bill budget will be only $8000. That is a savings of $5000 a year...or about $100 a week. I think that is VERY doable...and I hope it can be more...but I also realize that my life is pretty busy...and I can get lazy...

I plan on putting updates on my blog as to my success in this endeavor...but it will be a while before I start to see any big changes, as I don't have a "stockpile" of coupon inserts yet... But - it is only a matter of time...

Monday, January 03, 2011

Back to the routine

Today was the last day of the Christmas vacation from the kids pre-school. Am I saddened by the fact that I won't have the kids with me 24/7? Am I disappointed that I won't have their smiling faces with me when I go to the grocery store the next time I go? In a word....NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO!!! I discovered long ago that I am one of those moms that NEEDS the time away from the kids... Honestly - I've done pretty well...considering it has only been the last 3 or 4 days that I have been up to here (*holding my hand by my forehead*) with them. BUT...they are tired of each other too I'm sure! Today they have been all over each other constantly...and actually needed to be separated for 10 minutes... Anyway - I am going to miss the leisurely mornings...staying in my PJs until noon... But there is something to be said about a schedule. As much I can and do get frustrated in the mornings trying to get us all out of the house with the house actually looking somewhat decent before we does keep me busy and motivated to get stuff done. I have done next to nothing this vacation... Part of me feels guilty...but part of me needed the break...which is why I think it has only been the last 3 or 4 days that I've felt cabin fever and very restless... So - tomorrow the kids will head back to pre-school, I'll go to my weekly Mom's Bible study...and we'll try to get back on some sort of routine... *fingers crossed*

Saturday, January 01, 2011

Happy New Year!

As I write this, we are WELL into 2011 (it is almost 5:30pm), and I am only now beginning to feel human again after last night's revelry. Jeff and I were able to go out with some very good friends (thanks to my folks who came down and watched the kids), and after 2 cosmopolitans, 2 glasses of red wine, and one (double) vodka and cranberry...lets just say that I wasn't feeling all that well. Jeff was the smart one between us and decided to be the designated driver, and didn't have even one drop of alcohol. BRAVO!!! I have wondered many times today if the fun I had last night was worth the feeling I have had all day... Not so much I think...

The kids are outside in the back yard playing. Jeff and I are so happy with how close they seem to be with each other. They of course have their moments when they need to be separated before one of them kills the other...but overall they are good friends and love to be with each other. I sure hope that they continue to enjoy each other and stay good friends all their lives! Here are a few recent pictures of the family. Enjoy!

Carson (& floppy) at his first dentist appointment.
The next several are from one of our frequent trips to Orlando/Disney World
Mom and my sister, Dee and her husband, Chris with the kids at Magic Kingdom.
Carson filling up a pail of water at Mom and Dad's she really only 5???
At the Jacksonville Zoo...again...only 5???
Carson striking his normal pose....haha
The kids right before we went trick-or-treating on Halloween
Kendall & Carson getting prepped at Bibbidy Bobbidy Boutique.
The final product - a brave night and a beautiful princess.
Daddy & his girl.
Mommy and her little man. cream....
Petting zoo at Animal Kingdom.
For a kid that doesn't like his picture being taken that often...he sure is a knock-out!