The last few weeks have been quite full...much to my surprise. As Kendall is out of school until next week - I was terrified of having nothing to do with the kids until she starts again...and boy was I wrong!!! We have been very busy it seems...
First of all - Kendall had her first dentist appointment. Now I know what some of you are thinking...isn't she too young?? Well...apparently so... I had read that pediatricians (I never did ask my own...just the "they" that you read about) say that a good time for a first dentist appointment is between 2 and 3 years old (according to Kendall's new dentist - they normally don't see anyone before the age of 3 unless there is a problem...ah well...). So...she is two and a we figured why not? Lets see...she sat in the chair to have x-rays...but wouldn't let them do it...she laid down on the table to let them clean her teeth...but wouldn't let them do overall...pretty non-eventful time at the dentist. The only thing she let the dentist do is brush her teeth with her brand new Cinderella toothbrush. Good news though - no cavities!!! And...I did get some pictures!! :) day I decided to get some sidewalk chalk out for the kids to play with. We had a ball making a pink and blue mess out of not only the back porch...but also our arms and legs and hands and clothes...oh yeah...and a yellow dog!!! haha
On Father's Day, Jeff played in the pillows from our bed with the kids.
Daddy just loves tickling his little girl! :)
There should be an event in pillow jumping in the Olympics don't you think??? Note Jeff talking to Carson...see...I'm not the only one that has to tell him "no" all the time...haha
And then we decided to give them a bath...I am still rolling with laughter!!! :)
There should be an event in pillow jumping in the Olympics don't you think??? Note Jeff talking to Carson...see...I'm not the only one that has to tell him "no" all the time...haha
And then we decided to give them a bath...I am still rolling with laughter!!! :)
And because I realized that there isn't hardly any pictures of Carson on this is a picture of him from us at the park. And yes...that is sand in his mouth...did I ever mention how much I HATE sand now that I'm a mother??? It gets literally EVERYWHERE!!! Plus - it is impossible to wash out of a child's hair. As you are scrubbing their can feel the little granules moving around under your fingers and they just won't come out!!! Why can't all playgrounds use that rubber mulch stuff??? Okay...enough's the little guy:
This weekend we are going to see "Go Diego Go" live on Saturday, and to the Magic Kingdom on Sunday - so I'm sure I'll have lots of pictures to share next week!