Tuesday, February 02, 2010

Apples and Bananas

My kids LOVE apples and bananas. Carson has always loved bananas...since he was a little baby. Kendall has been hot and cold on them her whole (short) life. There are days where they both will gobble up an entire bunch of bananas in one day if I would let them. We've even been known to call Carson banana boy or monkey boy because he loves them so much. But...bananas hold NOTHING to their obsession lately with apples.

When I was a kid I used to love apples myself. Apple juice. Apple sauce. Apple pie. Anything apple - I wanted it. It seems that the kids have followed in my footsteps...I am asked for an apple at LEAST 4 times a day if not more - breakfast, lunch, snack & dinner. We've gotten in the habit of putting the apples in a fruit bowl that sits out on the counter. If the kids are quiet for too long...sure enough one or both of them will have an apple in hand. Another funny thing - is that if Kendall eats the apple whole - she has no problem with the skin. However - if I cut up the apple into slices - then she eats only the meat of the fruit and leaves behind little slivers of the skin. Carson, on the other hand, will eat absolutely every last bit of the apple...including the core if you don't stop him in time.
Now, I'm not complaining...there are many worse foods that the kids could be obsessed with other than apples and bananas. We've never been good about giving the kids candy or cookies or (surprise surprise) cakes. I don't keep a bunch of chips or snacky type foods around (at least where the kids can get them) because that means that Jeff and I will eat them. So the fact that they are happy to snack on apples and milk isn't a real problem. However...when we go through a 3 pound bag of apples in 3 days...and have to go to the store at least 2 or 3 times a week to get a fresh bunch of bananas...well...you can see what I'm saying...
Why is it that we have to decide so early in the year - a full 7 months early - what we are going to do for our kids for school the following school year? I'm barely able to think about next week let alone next school year... But...here we are...trying to make decisions for September that will impact our kids for potentially the rest of their lives...
Although Kendall will turn five in November, the cut off for her to be in kindergarten is Sept. 1 - which means one more year of pre-school. Honestly - I think she is ready academically to start this year...but obviously seeing the problems we are having with the potty training...she isn't ready emotionally. We briefly entertained the thought of putting both Kendall & Carson in the private school that we would eventually like to see them go to next year. Briefly. The price tag, which happens to be about 50% more, convinced us to stay put where they are currently going. But...even that school has a myriad of options.
For Kendall - there is a 3 day (MWF or TWR) or a 5 day 4 year old preK, or 2, 3 or 5 day "Mommy's Day out" program. For Carson - there is a 3 day (MWF or TWR) or 2 day (TR) 3 year old preK, or 2 or 3 or 5 day "Mommy's Day out" program. The both are currently in "school" 4 mornings a week. .. Oh...and two of Kendall's best friends, Kyle and Elizabeth, are going to be in different programs next year - one will be in MWF and the other will be in the 5 day program. As much as I appreciate all the options...it is almost overwhelming... And I really have only THIS week to decide...to make sure we get spots reserved for both kids before they open the enrollment to the rest of the community. Jeff doesn't believe much in "pre-school"...but he knows the kids have friends and get a chance to play...and I get some much needed me time while they are in school. So - he isn't any help...because he wants us to do whatever will make me a happier and better wife and mother. Anyway - I'm sure whatever decision I make won't permanently scar the kids...
So...as I haven't posted many pictures on here lately - here are a few from Christmas that I literally just downloaded off of my camera...haha

Kendall helping Daddy put the angel on the tree.
Making cookies!!! I just love how Carson already looks like he has put on red and green lipstick...

The final product! I can guarantee...the kids ate more of the red and green icing and sugar than ended up on the cookies! haha