I've got good kids. Really. I do. I know that I complain about them a lot...but in all honesty - they are really, honest-to-goodness, GOOD kids. They get in trouble at home for not listening (what child doesn't?), for fighting with each other, etc. But they really do try to be good and they really do behave most of the time. If there is any aggression shown by them - it is against each other (sibling rivalry and all) - and NEVER against anyone else. That is why we are in shock over Carson's recent behavior problems at school...
Wednesday last week - Carson was being picked up from his regular classroom to go to his Occupational Therapy session with Ms. Miller (which happens EVERY Wednesday). However - his class was watching a movie, and Carson didn't want to go...he wanted to stay and watch the movie. So - he proceeded to throw a fit. By the time they got into Ms. Miller's room - he not hit her 2 times, but he also threw a chair across the room. !!!!!!!!!! She made him stand in the middle of the room (where he couldn't get anything else to throw) until he finally calmed down and did some work. His regular teacher, Ms. Scott, told Ms. Miller "Are you sure you are talking about Carson?" when she heard the story...
Then...today...well... He and a little boy got into a little "tiff" about some blocks they both wanted to play with and neither wanted to share (NOT normal for Carson - he is normally very good about sharing - at least at school). When a teacher came over to find out what was going on - he swung at her...then swung at 2 other teachers AND threw a block at one of the teachers! Carson was actually brought to the Principal's office...my Pre-K kid was brought to the Principal's office!!! Uh oh!!!!!!!!!!
What has happened to my mild-mannered son? Sure he throws tantrums here and there...and he gets stubborn, a little surly (like in the picture below) and a little defiant at times (what 4 year old doesn't?). BUT for him to be that physical and aggressive is just NOT like him...
Jeff and I are not only in shock...but we are trying to figure out how to deal with this at home. Jeff was always told that if you get in trouble at school - you get in even more trouble at home. We just hope that we can nip this behavior in the bud before it becomes a regular pattern... We just want our smiling little fellow back....