Jeff is taking a vacation from work...but not willingly... He went to see the doctor on Tuesday afternoon because he is having such bad problems with the hand-foot-and-mouth disease (that according to several websites - only children get and if adults do get, it is usually very mild). The doctor (actually nurse practioner) said that she had never seen hand-foot-and-mouth disease in an adult before...boy what a case it is that she got to see...
Here is a picture we found on the internet of what they say your blisters will look like (granted - it is a picture of a child's hand...but I really couldn't find an adults hand when I looked): is Jeff's right hand (his left hand doesn't look as bad, although it does have some stuff on it...):
The bad part is that his hand and fingers are so swollen by the blisters that he can't even open his own medicine bottles...his feet are so swollen and tender that he has a hard time walking...his poor throat is so sore that he can't hardly eat...even drinking water stings!!! Even if he was able to go to work...I wonder if he would have since he is so miserable... Oh...and by the way...his shoulder is doing okay (with all of this it is easy to forget he just had surgery last week...)
Meanwhile - most of Kendall's blisters are gone on her hands and feet and her mouth is almost completely healed. And so far neither Carson or I appear to have the virus - I sure hope it stays that way!!!