Monday, March 03, 2008

Lesson's learned

I was given a big lesson in humility today...

Jeff wakes up this morning...and guess what...he now seems to have the hand-foot-and-mouth disease...blisters on his hands and in his mouth...(so much for adults not really exhibiting any symptoms...). I go to get Kendall from bed...and her diaper leaked so her back is soaking wet. So...I get Jeff to help me as I give her and Carson a bath (giving them both a bath at the same time is a little can be done...but Jeff still has one good arm...). Then...I make the silliest of mommy mistakes and I put Jeff's coffee on the nightstand where Carson's little exploring hands can reach...and wouldn't you know it...he does reach it and pulls the coffee down and it spills over the entire nightstand, remote controls, alarm clock... Luckily...only one little spot on Carson (how did he do that???). Oh...and I forgot to mention that my right eye was full of gook this isn't especially I think I'm having an allergic reaction to something... Anyway - I was pretty much is a horrible mood from the get-go this morning. I really felt like God was testing me for some reason...that it isn't bad enough to have a semi-incapacitated husband...that he has to give me a sick daughter...a sick husband...and a million things to clean up around the house too when my husband really can't help me. "Thanks a LOT God!!!" I felt like screaming...and probably actually did...

So since Kendall is out of her normal activities this week...we went to Memo's (Jeff's Mom) house and the four of us went to lunch at Olive Garden. The whole time I'm grumpy and feeling sorry for myself and really questioning whether I should be staying home at all... Then...God stepped in and bonked me on my head.

A family came in and sat at a table behind us. Mom. Dad. Approximately 1 1/2 year old little boy (looked perfectly healthy). Approximately 13 year old boy...obviously mentally handicapped...sitting in a wheelchair...which his Mom pushed in...staring at the ceiling...arms, hands, legs somewhat twisted in his chair...being fed by his mom shortly after they arrive. I started crying. Here I was feeling sorry for myself...when I am so incredibly blessed to have 2 healthy (relatively speaking), happy, strong children...

God, thanks a lot!!!

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