Saturday, November 08, 2008

It's a WIN!!!

At church, our pastor often refers to a "win" moment. A "win" moment is one in which you know that whatever it is that you've been doing has actually worked in at least one case. In our case as parents, it is seeing our darling children grow up with the Christian values that we hold so strong. Kendall (especially when we are out to dinner/lunch, etc.) always remembers (and sometimes reminds us) that we need to say our prayers before eating (in fact - one day she wanted to say them before having our afternoon snack). At nighttime - getting her to say her prayers is sometimes a bit tricky - but we kneel in front of her bed and say them every night. Anyway - before we say prayers, we always read a story out of her Bible. She has gone through a couple of favorites. For the longest time, the story of Adam and Eve in the garden was her favorite. Then it was Noah's ark for a few days. Lately - her obsession has been with Jesus feeding the thousands with 5 loaves of bread and 2 fish. So - because we can never remember where in her Bible we are (don't you think we should invest in a bookmark by this point???), we typically read her favorite story. Tonight, Kendall told Jeff that she wanted to read the story to her "friends" (aka dolls and stuffed animals). She "read" the story almost word for word...she had memorized the story and could recite the whole thing from beginning to end...with only a little help now and then from Daddy. I was stunned...and thrilled...and awed. I just think it is totally awesome...and very humbling - especially since I cannot tell you hardly anything word for word from the Bible - and that is one of the things that I should be doing so that I can be a better Christian. Anyway - it is amazing when the parent is inspired by the child...especially when that child is not quite 3 yet...

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