Thursday, February 02, 2012

Happy New Year!

So I have been a completely absent blogger as of late. In fact - my last post was called "Fall Busyness" and here we are already in February! Wow! My life isn't any more busy than normal...but I think that normal sometimes catches up with me and bites me in the rear end. I am sitting at the dealership getting brakes put on my van...and after doing what little work that I needed to do and playing a game or two on facebook, I have no excuse not to blog. I have time...lots of least another hour to hour and a half until my car is ready! BUT...what to write about? That is the question... In the craziness of life - I tend to forget the little funny moments that I should have recorded on here. Moments where the kids said or did something funny or endearing. Moments where there is such a fun story around the event that I know it would make people laugh. But - as I now sit at my computer ready to tell some of these moments...not one comes to mind. Not one.

Recently I discovered the IPhone 4s. I don't have it...I just discovered it. There is a feature on the phone where you can speak to it and have it make a list for you. I would say "Siri, add the story of when Kendall did..." into the phone, and "she", the phone, would add it to a list. Or...I could say "Siri, remind me to pick up Nutella at the grocery after I pick up Kendall from school"...and "she" would remind me! Wow. I am amazed at where technology is these days! Anyway - I plan on getting an IPhone in July when my contract is fully due for an upgrade. Not that I don't love my droid - I do. But - I NEED a phone that can do what the IPhone does. I think best when I'm in my car driving (what else is there to do...) and that is when I always remember all those things I need to do or pick up or organize. To be able to talk into my phone and not have to try to find a scrap of paper and a pen and write it down as I'm driving (NOT safe...) will be fantastic!

Anyway - my point of the whole above is that maybe by having my phone "remember" stories for me - I can start adding more significantly to my blog... and actually telling stories...not just giving a re-cap of my self-imposed busy life.

I recently discovered (along with most of America) a blog (
where she tells stories. About her family, about her past, about her kids, about her worries and hopes and fears. She is so completely transparent it is refreshing! And it is a joy to read. She has a way with her words that draws the reader in and makes you feel like you can really identify with her. I had always hoped that I could write those kind of posts. But most of my posts seem forced and very surface. Without knowing the author - you feel like you really "know" her. How many of you, just from reading my blog, really know who I am and what kind of person I am?

Anyway - all of my ramblings above...more of a stream of consciousness than anything...are really to say

Happy New Year!!!

Only a month late... Oh well...

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