Thursday, June 07, 2007

Discovering Rain...

I think one of my favorite things as a Mom is discovering common things all over again through the eyes of my daughter.

Today it started to rain. First, we went out on the front porch, sat down on the step and stuck our feet out into the rain. "Wa'er" she kept yelling over and over. "Rai'ing" again and again. Every once in a while she would stand up, venture out from beneath the cover of the porch and let some of the rain fall on her head. With a full giggle, she would run back to me and sit down next to me again. Looking out, as I was, across the yard and into the street where sheets and sheets of rain fell on a much needed land. Eventually we came back inside...but the minute I put her down...she ran to the front door. "Nonny, 'ook. Rai'ing!"

So we went out onto the pack porch, and after a little coaxing from me, she started to really experience rain for what it can be. On hot summer days like today - rain is so refreshing it can't help but make you smile. The smell of clean falling from the sky. The feeling that the rain is washing away any problems or worries of the day. Or, from her eyes, a way to play in water that isn't in a bath tub or a pool.

So I took the first plunge and walked out to the edge of our patio where a puddle was forming. I slowly walked around, arms outstretched, smiling again like a child as I saw her look at me with surprise and glee. Then I started stomping my feet in the puddle, letting the water splash up around my ankles. Next thing I know, giggles were filling the air as she ran out into the puddle herself. By this time, I was back under the safety of the roof with my camera and I was able to catch her running back and forth, splashing the water, really enjoying herself.

I hope it rains again soon.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I sent your blog on to my sister, Lynne, as she is a writer. I love your story about sharing a rainy day with K. and thought she'd love it too. I also sent it on to Karin, Jackie's daughter, as she too is expecting a new baby (a boy).
Aunt Gail