Tuesday, June 05, 2007

Its a waiting game...

Our little girl sure doesn't seem so little sometimes! We went to Toys R Us on Saturday and picked up a tricycle for her. Although she still doesn't get the whole pushing the pedals thing...she sure loves sitting on it, having her daddy push her around, or she herself pushing or pulling the tricycle around. She is such a hoot!! I just love seeing her in her little helmet!! :) I think that her Daddy looks just as cute in it as well...haha
So we went to the doctor today for my 36 week check-up. While there, we had an ultrasound to determine the size of the baby. "Pudge" is estimated to be 7 pounds 11 ounces at this time...which means he is on track to be as big as or bigger than his big sister, who was born at 9 pounds 12 ounces and 22 inches long. So...next Friday (the 15th), I will go back to the doctor. At that time he will see if my cervix is "favorable" to be induced early (in other words - am I already dilated or effaced?). If it is favorable - we will most likely have the baby that weekend (the 16th or 17th). If not, then he will have me come back in the middle of the next week to check again - at which point we might do another ultrasound for size - and determine what comes next.

At this point...in the next two weeks (especially next week), I plan on doing a lot of walking, eating a lot of spicy foods, force down some eggplant (which I've heard does miracles), and do some other...ahem...natural activities that are normally advised by your doctor. That way when I see my doctor on the 15th, hopefully my cervix will be "favorable" and I can get this beach ball out and about! :)

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