So we had the brilliant idea to bring our 21 month old and 7 week old to Orlando to go to Animal Kingdom. Well...let me back up... Really the discussion started because for Jeff's 40th birthday I got him a 30 minute ride-along in a 1941 Stearman PT-17 open cockpit plane (go see Peggy and Tim at Preston Aviation, Inc. in Leesburg - they were GREAT!!! Their website is Jeff has always wanted to get his pilots license...and although I'm not ready for that big of a leap - I figured that this would be something fun for him to do and give him a taste of what he has dreamed of. So - we finally found a free weekend (which is tough for us it seems...) and got it scheduled for Friday morning. Here are some pictures of Jeff's adventure. :)
Oops...I guess that last one isn't of Jeff is it? haha
So since Leesburg is basically just over half way to Orlando, we decided to meet one of Jeff's best friends, Scott (who lives in Tampa - and is single, cute and successful ladies!!!) there and go to a park on Saturday. We opted to go to Animal Kingdom, guessing that since Kendall really couldn't ride any rides being so little, it would at least be fun for her since she could see some animals.
When we got there about 10am - and I swear it was already 90 degrees. The first thing we did, is stand in line for 10 minutes so that Kendall could meet Minnie Mouse. Let me tell you - it is probably the best thing we did the whole day! I could hardly hold Kendall back once we got close enough for her to see Minnie Mouse hugging other people. Once we got to the front of the line and she was able to go up and see her - she literally RAN to Minnie and gave her a hug!
We were so surprised that she wasn't scared of was great. As we were walking away - Kendall turned around three times and said "Dye dye. I you." (which means "Bye bye. I love you." in 21-month old).
Next - we walked into the "Africa" section of Animal Kingdom, and came upon some musicians. They invited several people, including myself and Kendall, to come up in front of everyone and dance. And boy did we!!! It was so much fun - and Kendall wasn't nervous or scared at all. In fact - at one point I had to bring her back over to me because she was dancing away from me... Here are some pictures. :)
Overall - we were pleasantly surprised at how well Kendall did in the heat. She actually lasted until about 3pm when she fell asleep in the stroller. We were already on the way back to the car - so we were thrilled that she lasted that long. Carson even did good. Normally if he is warm, he sleeps the whole time. He actually didn't sleep the whole time and was even a very happy boy a little later that day. And FINALLY - I was able to get some pictures of Carson smiling!!!
Although we aren't ready to get season passes - we will probably head down again next year. And most likely the year after that (2009) we will get passes.
Until then - Gator football season officially starts tomorrow - so I'm sure I'll have a story or two to come about that. And as if taking care of two in diapers didn't keep me busy enough - Jeff convinced me to take a Creative Writers Workshop at the Sante Fe Community College. So - now I have no excuse for not sitting down when I get a chance and hammering out a few pages of a book I've been thinking about. So far...I've got 18 pages written...LONG way away from finishing it...but at least I've gotten it started. I'll let you all know if it actually goes somewhere...doubtful anytime I wouldn't hold my breaths if I was you...
Well - it is now 10:30 at night and time for my little one's last feeding before my bedtime... Have a great Labor Day weekend and GO GATORS!!!