Friday, December 28, 2007

Diaper Wrestling

I know that my memory of Kendall at 6 months old is not very good (which is sad since it was just 19 months ago)...but I swear that she was not nearly as challenging as Carson is at changing diapers - especially poopy ones...

Just getting down to his diaper can sometimes be a challenge in and of itself. Between him constantly kicking, then grabbing your fingers, then bending his legs so that he can get a toe in his is normally a miracle if you can get down to the diaper quickly. Removing his dirty diaper is an experiment in calf wrestling. First you have to hold onto both legs at the ankles, then try to grab hold of each wandering hand. (Let me take a moment to say here that I know that Kendall never played with her "junk", as Jeff calls it, as much as Carson does. The minute his diaper is off of his body, either one or both hands is reaching down to tug and pull on that certain area of his body. When we are cleaning it, he has even been known to smile or this a sign of things to come in the future??) If you don't grab a hold of each hand, then you risk having a hand dip into the poo, or grab hold of the diaper and swing (this has actually happened to me on one occasion...prior to me learning to old each hand...when he swung his diaper filled hand around, the poo inside of it then proceeded to fly through the air and land on his kidding...). If you don't grab a hold of each ankle, then you run the risk of having his ever kicking feet land in the poo as well. So...there you are with two hands and two ankles in ONE hand, as the little body beneath you continues to wiggle and try to kick and break free. As you are struggling holding on with one hand, you must then figure out how to get a wipe (or four or five depending upon the consistency of the poo - which could be a whole other post in and of itself) and wipe away all traces of poo and pull the diaper out of arm's (and foot's) reach, and then try to get a clean diaper at least in the general vicinity of the now clean bottom. If you can make it to this are normally in the clear...and just have to put his new diaper on and wrangle his clothes back on his twisting and turning and kicking little body. Thankfully, Carson is no longer peeing every time his diaper is most of the time you don't have to worry about being sprinkled on (although he still does occasionally surprise us...).

Let me tell you...I really look forward to when he is not only longer...but stronger... This must be why most women I know that have little boys end up doing most of their diaper changes on the floor by the time their sons are a year old...

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