Friday, February 29, 2008

A cold, a slap lesion, and hand-foot-and-mouth disease...oh my!!!

As you can tell from the post...I've had a busy few days. Lets start with the middle item first, shall we??

Two summers ago (summer 2006), Jeff and I thought it would be a good idea to join the church's softball team. We figured it would be something fun and active for us to do together. Neither of us are especially athletically inclined...but we figured that since is was for fun - why not??? Well...about 4 games into the season...during a "warm-up" where we were throwing balls back and forth to each other...Jeff had a career ending injury on his right shoulder ( professional baseball contracts for him in the future...). However - we didn't realize how badly he had injured himself. Fast forward to about 9 months ago...Jeff's right shoulder started to really bother him. There were certain movements that he couldn't do...sometimes even had problems picking up the kids. So...he went to his doctor...who prescribed rest and anti-inflammatories. We tried that for a while. Finally Jeff went back to his doctor and demanded an MRI to see what was wrong...assuming it was his rotator cuff. Well...something showed up on the MRI...but it had nothing to do with his rotator cuff. He had a "slap lesion"...which is a fancy way of saying that a tendon had torn from his muscle. After some deliberation...about 2 months ago we scheduled his surgery for yesterday (the 28th). 6:45 yesterday morning we were signing him at the surgery desk...and at about 7:30 they rolled him back on his stretcher for his surgery. Around 8:30 the doctor came out to the waiting room and told me that everything was good and showed me some pictures to prove it (now I don't know about you...but the moment the doctor said that the surgery went well and Jeff was okay...I stopped listening because that was about all I cared I'm not very versed in medical terminology...most of what he was saying sounded more like Greek to me...). After sitting in recovery for about 2 hours (he had some nausea coming out of anesthesia), Jeff and I came home to find my mother-in-law (saint of a woman if there ever was one) watching a little boy with a cold...and a little girl complaining that her teeth hurt. So...I called the doctor's office and made an appointment for them.

Here is where it gets hang in there... So as I'm loading Kendall from the car into the stroller at the doctor's office later that afternoon, I notice what looks like a blister on her hand...and I knew at that moment what was really bothering her. You see...a good friend of mine told me that on Thursday last week her youngest son (who is 19 months old) was recently diagnosed with hand-foot-and-mouth disease, and after a little teasing from me about weird diseases in her family (her oldest son had some weird, but not too dangerous, disease a year ago...), she told me about the blisters on her son's hands and feet. Anyway - the doctor confirmed my worst fears...and basically said that she had a "classic" presentation of the disease in her mouth and had me look for myself. Inside her poor little mouth was full of sores and blisters (kind of what a fire ant bite looks like) wonder she had been complaining about her teeth hurting and not wanting to eat or drink anything... For those of you that don't know (like I didn't know prior to this), hand-foot-and-mouth disease is just a virus that is pretty contagious...and normally you don't know you have it when you are contagious and already spreading it to other people. So there is no telling where she got this from... The doctor said she should be over the contagious part by Monday...but to be on the safe side, I'll probably keep her out of all her regular activities next week just to be safe. UGGHHH We are just hoping that Carson doesn't get it too (although...once you get the virus you are immune from part of me almost wants him to get it...).

So instead of just caring for my husband and his shoulder with an arm in a sling...I've got two sick babies on top of that... So basically I have 3 babies to care for...all while trying to catch up on sleep that I am still missing from when Kendall was fun

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