So...learning how to walk does come with its challenges and bumps and bruises...and bright red lines across the center of one's nose...
And...obviously...I shouldn't be too relaxed when it comes to the state of the "relationship" with the boys (Chance & Rally)...
What looks like a vampire bite on Rally's jaw line, is actually where Chance decided to bite him when, heaven forbid, Rally was too close to Carson's high-chair at lunch time. What you don't see are another two bite marks right on the edge of the ear entrance. Luckily - no stitches were needed...and all we are doing (after spending $108 at the vet for this) is giving Rally some antibiotics. However...we are really considering sending the boys (Chance specifically...although it would benefit Rally as well) to a "spa"...intense in-house training at J&K Canine Academy ( for 3 weeks. It is expensive...but it might just help get Chance out of his psycho dog stuff...and it would give both boys some good discipline (and apparently get Rally out of the "puppy mouthing" that is starting to aggravate my human babies...especially when Rally practices it on Carson's pudgy little feet or Kendall's arm...) If we decide to send them both - we have to wait until after May 7 though, because that is when Rally will be done with all his puppy shots (and be 16 weeks old). Basically - we are trying to decide one of three things: 1) both boys go to the in-house training, 2) Chance goes to in-house training and Rally gets basic obedience in a group setting, 3) both boys get basic obedience in a group setting. According to our behaviorist - she recommends the first option...but that is very expensive...and we don't know if we (especially Kendall) can handle 3 weeks away from the boys... But - as we have until the first week of May to really make a decision...I'll keep you posted...
We discovered that Kendall is one of only 1% of the population to have a particular characteristic. She is sick again (high fever - 100.3 degrees even with Tylenol and Motrin in her; raspy, labored breathing, coughing...out and out miserable most of the time) and we brought her to the doctor yesterday morning (but of course..."its a virus...let it take its course"). Anyway - we saw a different doctor than her normal one and he said she has a bifid know that little thing that hangs down in the back of your mouth...normally it is one single almost bell shaped thing...but hers looks more like a "w" after more attempts than I care to is a picture:
Cool huh??? The doctor says it is genetic...and that someone down the line in one of our families probably had the same thing (although neither Jeff or I have it)... We always knew Kendall was a unique little girl - but now we have concrete proof!!! :)
And one of my favorite pictures of recent memory:
Aren't I lucky???
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