I don't think I actually realized how long it had been since I last posted a blog...until I noticed my last one...about when Jeff was off work due to that dreaded illness. And although it seems like just yesterday that he had it...eons have passed and a lot has gone on in the Hogue family.
Most recently - we have brought home an addition to our family. Rally is a 13 week old yellow labrador retriever. Luckily...he isn't your typical puppy...in that he is very gentle and laid back and isn't at all bouncing off the walls like one would expect a puppy to do. We are still working with crate training and housebreaking him...which we know will be a long process. But unfortunately - the worst thing we are having to deal with...is Chance, our 7 1/2 year old german shepard chow mix, is having some aggressive issues in regards to the puppy. He does NOT like the idea of another animal coming into HIS home and loving on HIS parents and loving and playing with HIS kids. So...we are working with Kim at J&K Canine (go to their website - pepedogs.com - this organization is GREAT!!! We have worked with Pepe himself in the past and he is WONDERFUL!!!). After a week and a half...the boys are getting along better...still not wonderfull...but I'm not terrified that Chance is going to eat Rally anymore. However...until I feel 100% comfortable that Chance isn't going to hurt Rally - this means that on top of chasing after my two human children...I have to keep the dogs pretty much separated at all times if I'm not able to moderate their activities. FUN FUN!!!
Kendall and Carson are doing great!!!
Kendall continues to amaze us with how smart she is. She can sing the entire ABC song (some of the letters get "blended"...but otherwise there is no doubt what she is singing)...and she loves to sing all the time. We are constantly singing everything from "Jesus Loves Me" to "Twinkle Twinkle Little Start" to "You are my Sunshine". And I do me WE are singing...because she sings right along with us. She rides her tricycle like a pro...she loves to play pretend. We will be sitting out on the back yard playing with the dogs and she sees the clouds in the sky and starts standing on her tiptoes so that she can "get" them. One day, Jeff and I were both with her, and I said that I was hungry and could she get me a cloud to eat. So...she "pulled" one down and handed it to me and I pretended to eat it. She smiled at me...then got one for herself and for Jeff and for Carson and for Chance and for Rally...it is so fun watching her imagination at work.
Carson just had his 9 month doctor visit last week...30" long and 23lbs 4oz...which although seems HUGE...is actually smaller than Kendall was at 9 months (she was 30.5" long and 23lbs 14oz). Monday he took his first steps...so exciting!!! and so scary!!! He is still more comfortable cruising around furniture and on the walls...but with encouragement he will take a step or two without holding onto anything now. It is only a matter of time before I'm chasing him around the house!!! And when that happens...boy am I in trouble...because he is already into EVERYTHING he can get into...I am scared to think what it will be when he is actually walking on his own. He is such a happy little guy...but boy howdy...when he gets mad...watch out!!! That red hair that seems to still be sticking around sure gets him fired up!!! We have also found the perfect nickname for him - BamBam - because he is CONSTANTLY banging things with his hands...so it fits! Oh...and I almost forgot - he clapped his little pudgy hands for the first time on Saturday at the spring football game (Orange and Blue Game for the Florida Gators)...he didn't do it great...but he did clap them nonetheless.
I promise I will try to be better about keeping the blog updated...afterall...as one of my friends put it "after two kids under 3, an older dog and a puppy, you will have more than enough to write a novel that will crack us all up."
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Loved the pictures of the kids. They are getting so big. Rally is a cutie too. What a lickable face. I'm not surprised in Chance's reaction though. Lydia still hates both Gus and Graybar and just barely tolerates Dan & I.
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