Tuesday, October 28, 2008
I just LOVE October!
When I used to live up north, I remember loving the month of October. It always seemed that it was still warm most days in September, and it was like Mother Nature couldn't decide if she wanted us to be in summer still or in autumn. But once October got here, it started to consistently stay cool, and I was always in jeans and a sweatshirt. The weather the last few days has reminded me of why I love the month of October. Of course, my birthday is smack dab in the middle of the month, which I'm sure is one of the reasons I've always loved the month, but there is something else. Among other things, there is the promise of the holiday's being just around the corner.
I know that in just over a month, I'll be enjoying a meal with my family, reminiscing about times past, meeting my future brother-in-law (!!! :)), expressing hopes of the future, watching my children start to piece together that there is something special about holidays. In just under 2 months, we will be singing Christmas carols in front of a sparkling tree, a mug of hot coffee in our hands, fire in the fireplace (well...maybe not...it is Florida after all), and brightly wrapped gifts stuffed under the tree eagerly awaiting two pudgy little sets of hands to tear them open, and the smell of a turkey roasting in the oven and remnants of the smell of the apple pie that was baked the day before. In just over 2 months, we will be starting a new year. A fresh start. Want to lose some weight? Want to kick a bad habit? Start fresh on January 2 (you have to recover and watch football games on the 1st...) and a whole year is out in front of you, ready to be opened like a gift from God.
With October comes a change in the weather. No more (at least not for a few months), are the long hot days of Florida, when you break into a sweat just walking to your car from grocery shopping. Although we don't get much in the way of fall colors down here, some leaves do start to fall. There is an unwritten rule that all windows and doors should be open and the AC and heater turned off, which makes the house smell fresh and no longer stale from all the months of AC. The evenings and early mornings are cold, and I feel like pulling out my robe and slippers again, and putting the kids into fleece pajamas to keep them warm. But the afternoons are simply gorgeous! Today was a high of 61 - and with the sun out and barely a cloud in the sky - it was simply glorious to be out and about.
I took a few pictures of the kids at the pumpkin patch at their school this afternoon. Enjoy!
Carson trying to pick up a pumpkin that weighed as much as he did.
I couldn't believe it when Kendall was actually able to pick this pumpkin up...
This one was MUCH easier for her though. :)
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
Tribute to Friends
Why is it that telling someone that we love them is so hard? It was terrifically hard for me to tell Jeff that I loved him the first time. After my divorce I was so scared to open up my heart to anyone else, that I didn't want to say the words, even though I know I felt the feeling for a long time before I actually said it to him. Now NOT telling him that I love him is odd to me. If we ever talk on the phone and don't say "I love you" to one another before we hang up, I feel like something was missed. Telling my kids is easy...telling my mom and dad and sister is easy. But telling good friends that we love them...that they are important to us...that is sometimes very difficult.
I think that as we are raised, we are taught that you can have a favorite color, or a favorite food, or a favorite TV show...but you can't have a favorite person. "Don't play favorites." So when it comes to friends, I think it is sometimes difficult to tell a friend that they are your "best" friend...for several reasons:
1) Fear of Rejection - what if they don't feel the same way about you
2) Playing Favorites - you don't want other dear friends to think you care about them any less by saying you have a different "best friend"
3) Different "Best Friends" - the rest of the blog is what I mean by this last point.
My best friend from growing up is Michele N. I met her when I was in 2nd grade...and with the exception of losing track of her when I was married to my ex-monster...we have been friends the entire time. I will always hold a very special place in my heart for her - although to be honest - we have both been TERRIBLE to one another throughout the course of our lives. There was the time that I was in 8th grade and she was in 7th grade and she led the entire 7th grade class into believing that I was a lesbian because I was writing her "anonymous" love notes to make a boy she liked jealous (very funny now...but not so funny then). Or...there was the time when she and another girl came to visit me my freshman year in college - and I abandoned them at a party so I could go off with a boy I was interested in - I gave them my key to my room...but I still left them alone in a strange place with strange people (I don't think that was very funny then or now...I hate that I did that to her...). Anyway - we don't talk (or even e-mail) nearly enough these days...but every time we do, or every time we get to see each other again - it is like we never had any time apart and I miss her like crazy.
My best friend from high school is Bobbie S. She and I somehow never lost touch, even through my "starter marriage"...and she has always been there for me. I don't think we ever did anything horrible to one another...but she is another friend that we can pick up where we left off no matter how long it has been that we've not talked or seen each other. We continue to send little snippets of e-mails to each other at least once a week or so, and make phone calls and talk for a while at least once a month. She can always ground me and make me remember who I am if I am lost. If anyone remembers the movie "Reality Bites", there is a scene in which the main characters all start dancing in the middle of a gas station when a song they like comes on. That freedom and abandon is how I relate my friendship to Bobbie - because I could see her and I doing something that stupid and fun together and laughing about it for years.
My best friend from after my divorce is Maria H. She lives in Jacksonville where I lived when I was going through one of the roughest times in my life. I was so lost and hurting and trying to figure out who I was since who I thought I was with my ex was gone. Maria swooped in like a breath of fresh air. She is so smart and funny and beautiful and fun! She never gives herself enough credit for the person she is - but she loves her friends unconditionally! I've never felt judged by her once...even though I did some pretty stupid stuff after my divorce. She helped me learn to enjoy myself again and to laugh again and to be young again. She was my "party" and "bar" friend - and was always up for going out to get a drink and dance. But she was also my "lets be real" friend - and could always call me out when I was being too full of myself. She has a heart of gold and everyone that meets her can see it and feel it and you can't help but fall in love with her.
With the exception of my husband, my "current" best friend is Kelly G. She is beautiful and smart and funny and is full of the Holy Spirit so much that it "leaks" out of her. With four kids her hand are completely full, and yet she makes time for her friends whenever she can. Because of our "parallel" lives, we see each other at least 3 to 4 times a week (church and our kids go to the same school). It is actually very weird when I DON'T talk to her several times a week. We complement each other in that our personalities are so similar. We are both "idea" people...and yet I tend to be the one to follow through and get the job done. We are both strong women...and yet she says that if there is a fight, she wants me on her side (my temper can get a little fiery). I have no skills when it comes to being "crafty"...and she is one of the most creative and inspired women I know. She loves her children like crazy and has the grace and sense of mind to be able to breathe when one (or all) of them are acting up. She gives me courage to try and do the same. Seeing her relationship with our Lord, Jesus Christ, makes me want to be a better Christian. No - she isn't perfect - far from it. But I really feel blessed that she is my friend and I can call her if I need a pick me up or a laugh. And I feel blessed to know that she feels the same about me.
For all of my dear friends that I didn't mention above - it doesn't mean I don't love you just as much as the ones above. I really feel that all of my friends - whether I talk to you on a daily basis or whether I talk to you only once in a while - are very dear to my heart. I wrote a poem a LONG time ago...about this feeling:
I watch the lights
Pass me by
Blinking and shining
Their brilliance in my face
I try to reach out
And grab some
But they slip
Right through my hands
But then I see
The most brilliant
Of them all
So I reach out
Not with my hands
But with my heart
And it comes
Straight to me without hesitation
The light stays with me
For a brief moment
But then departs
To go back to its path
But some of the brilliance
That made it up
Has stayed with me
All of my friends, new or old, current or past, have made me the woman I am today. But to the women I've mentioned above - thank you for being there. I love you.
There...I said it. Not so scary after all!
Monday, October 20, 2008
BIG Announcement!!!
Yesterday afternoon, on my Mom & Dad's 40th anniversary (how appropriate!!!), my sister got engaged to be married!!!
The Ring.
Denise & her new fiance, Chris G.
I cannot begin to tell you how thrilled I am for her!!! They don't have a date yet, but are planning for late next summer. This means the diet is on for me!!! haha I have about 30 pounds I want to lose before I have to fit into a bridesmaid dress!!! haha :)
Congratulations sis!!!
The Ring.
Denise & her new fiance, Chris G.
I cannot begin to tell you how thrilled I am for her!!! They don't have a date yet, but are planning for late next summer. This means the diet is on for me!!! haha I have about 30 pounds I want to lose before I have to fit into a bridesmaid dress!!! haha :)
Congratulations sis!!!
Sunday, October 19, 2008
New Blog
After I posted my last blog...I realized that if I continue to decorate cakes, both for fun and for friends/family, that my regular blog isn't the place to put those pictures. So...I created a new blog, Cakes By Amy, for you to keep track of the cakes I am decorating. Check it out!
Just a pretty normal few weeks...
I really have been trying to be good about keeping up with the blog...but time got away from me the last 2 weeks I suppose. Lets see if I can update with what's been going on.
Carson had his 15 month check up - and is again off the charts (95th percentile) as to his height (34"), but is only at 75th percentile on weight (26 lbs). But developmentally in all other ways he is doing great. I even asked the doctor about his talking...because he doesn't talk nearly as much as Kendall did at his age. The doctor said that she was a rare case...normally only 2 or 3 words is pretty normal at 15 months. Since his appointment, he is definitely trying to pick up some more words. I think he is trying to say shoe anytime we put his shoes on. Today at the pet store he said bird as we were looking at some in a cage. I couldn't get him to repeat it...but he did say it once. He was being a pain with his sleeping schedule for a few nights...waking up by 5 or 5:30am for about 4 or 5 nights in a row. But thankfully the last few days he was back to 6:30 as normal. He is such a happy baby...hum...little boy. But let me tell you what...when he gets mad...woo hoo watch out!!! Yesterday after his bath, I was trying to get him dressed and wouldn't let him have his lovey, Floppy Dog, until we were done. He screamed and screamed and at one point dropped on his bottom on the floor crying. Leaned over with his face to the floor and fists balled up crying. It was hilarious!
Carson "getting tough" at breakfast one morning.
Playing in the rain.
Kendall is becoming such a little girl. She has actual conversations with you sometimes. Although she still doesn't listen to us when we tell her to do something...and although she still refuses to potty train (I am SOOO tired of diapers...) every day she looks more and more like a little girl... I know she is only about a month away from her 3rd birthday...so it is amazing to me that in just a few years she will be even more of a little girl.
Playing in the rain.
Last Saturday (the 11th), Jeff stayed at home with the kids and let me go to the Gator football game. We were playing last year's BCS National Champions, the LSU Tigers. We KILLED them!!! The score was like 51 to 31 I think. GREAT game!!! My BFF Kelly was able to leave her four kids behind with her husband and we had a GREAT time!!!
Me & Kelly before the game.
Maria R., Don B., & Don's wife, Penny before the game.
On Sunday (the 12th), I had a Silpada Jewelry party at the house, and made these cupcakes. So only like 6 of them got eaten that day, and the last one was actually finished today, but it was still fun to make them.
Kendall enjoying one of the cupcakes.
Carson eating the icing...he never did eat the actual cake. :)
This upcoming week I have lots of cakes to do...so I'm looking forward to putting their pictures on here when they are done.
Wednesday was my birthday...not necessarily a very happy one because I had a bad cold. So when the kids were in school that morning...I napped. When they took a nap that afternoon, I "rested" on the couch watching TV. With the exception of a slight cough now and then...I feel good again. But let me tell you..."Happy Birthday to Me" with a cold wasn't exactly what I wanted. haha
This weekend was a wonderful one. We were supposed to have one of Jeff's clients over on Saturday, but he ended up canceling. So we went and test drove some trucks on Saturday while Jeff's mom watched the kids, then went to church last night instead of this morning, so we had a relaxing morning this morning. It was so gorgeous outside that this morning while the kids were playing on their fort, I was walking around the yard picking up poo. I really, really, really need to do this like every other day...not every other week. Is it possible that the dogs can poo as much as the do?!?! I mean give me a break!!! Two grocery bags full of poo!!! Well over 20lbs worth! Plus...a couple of child's socks and bits of a blue plastic from a toy. I think that is one thing that is interesting...if something is missing...just walk through the yard and look through the steaming piles and you are sure to find bits of it in them! haha Anyway - after the kids nap, we went outside again and played with their t-ball set again, then kicked around a soccer ball. I love weather like this. Being a mid western girl...I have never gotten used to the heat the Florida produces on a constant basis. Growing up in the St. Louis area, there were probably two months out of the year that it was too hot to go outside and play. In Florida...I feel like it is so hot from June through mid October that I can't enjoy playing outside with kids. Today the high was 75 degrees, a little breezy. Wonderful!!! I can only hope it stays like this for a while...I feel energized and so pumped by this kind of weather. When it is too hot...I don't want to run around the back yard with the kids...or even walk around the block. In weather like today - I'd walk around the whole neighborhood if I thought the kids could take it! haha
Today is my parent's 40th anniversary. Wow...40 years!!! I can't even begin to imagine. That is 10 times longer that Jeff and I have been married. I am so lucky that I was able to be influenced by such a wonderful couple with such a wonderful marriage. I am sure they've had issues - what marriage doesn't? But to have them as an example as to what I want my marriage to be is wonderful. I only hope that Jeff and I can have 40 years together full of such happiness and joy and love like Mom & Dad have had!!!
Well...that is all for now. I actually have some exciting news to share...but I can't yet...not until someone else says its okay...and then...watch out!!! So stay tuned to this blog in the next few days because I'm sure I'll post my news very soon. :)
UPDATE: NO...I'm not pregnant!!! The news is about my sister getting engaged (see the second post from this one...)
Carson had his 15 month check up - and is again off the charts (95th percentile) as to his height (34"), but is only at 75th percentile on weight (26 lbs). But developmentally in all other ways he is doing great. I even asked the doctor about his talking...because he doesn't talk nearly as much as Kendall did at his age. The doctor said that she was a rare case...normally only 2 or 3 words is pretty normal at 15 months. Since his appointment, he is definitely trying to pick up some more words. I think he is trying to say shoe anytime we put his shoes on. Today at the pet store he said bird as we were looking at some in a cage. I couldn't get him to repeat it...but he did say it once. He was being a pain with his sleeping schedule for a few nights...waking up by 5 or 5:30am for about 4 or 5 nights in a row. But thankfully the last few days he was back to 6:30 as normal. He is such a happy baby...hum...little boy. But let me tell you what...when he gets mad...woo hoo watch out!!! Yesterday after his bath, I was trying to get him dressed and wouldn't let him have his lovey, Floppy Dog, until we were done. He screamed and screamed and at one point dropped on his bottom on the floor crying. Leaned over with his face to the floor and fists balled up crying. It was hilarious!
Carson "getting tough" at breakfast one morning.
Playing in the rain.
Kendall is becoming such a little girl. She has actual conversations with you sometimes. Although she still doesn't listen to us when we tell her to do something...and although she still refuses to potty train (I am SOOO tired of diapers...) every day she looks more and more like a little girl... I know she is only about a month away from her 3rd birthday...so it is amazing to me that in just a few years she will be even more of a little girl.
Playing in the rain.
Last Saturday (the 11th), Jeff stayed at home with the kids and let me go to the Gator football game. We were playing last year's BCS National Champions, the LSU Tigers. We KILLED them!!! The score was like 51 to 31 I think. GREAT game!!! My BFF Kelly was able to leave her four kids behind with her husband and we had a GREAT time!!!
Me & Kelly before the game.
Maria R., Don B., & Don's wife, Penny before the game.
On Sunday (the 12th), I had a Silpada Jewelry party at the house, and made these cupcakes. So only like 6 of them got eaten that day, and the last one was actually finished today, but it was still fun to make them.
Kendall enjoying one of the cupcakes.
Carson eating the icing...he never did eat the actual cake. :)
This upcoming week I have lots of cakes to do...so I'm looking forward to putting their pictures on here when they are done.
Wednesday was my birthday...not necessarily a very happy one because I had a bad cold. So when the kids were in school that morning...I napped. When they took a nap that afternoon, I "rested" on the couch watching TV. With the exception of a slight cough now and then...I feel good again. But let me tell you..."Happy Birthday to Me" with a cold wasn't exactly what I wanted. haha
This weekend was a wonderful one. We were supposed to have one of Jeff's clients over on Saturday, but he ended up canceling. So we went and test drove some trucks on Saturday while Jeff's mom watched the kids, then went to church last night instead of this morning, so we had a relaxing morning this morning. It was so gorgeous outside that this morning while the kids were playing on their fort, I was walking around the yard picking up poo. I really, really, really need to do this like every other day...not every other week. Is it possible that the dogs can poo as much as the do?!?! I mean give me a break!!! Two grocery bags full of poo!!! Well over 20lbs worth! Plus...a couple of child's socks and bits of a blue plastic from a toy. I think that is one thing that is interesting...if something is missing...just walk through the yard and look through the steaming piles and you are sure to find bits of it in them! haha Anyway - after the kids nap, we went outside again and played with their t-ball set again, then kicked around a soccer ball. I love weather like this. Being a mid western girl...I have never gotten used to the heat the Florida produces on a constant basis. Growing up in the St. Louis area, there were probably two months out of the year that it was too hot to go outside and play. In Florida...I feel like it is so hot from June through mid October that I can't enjoy playing outside with kids. Today the high was 75 degrees, a little breezy. Wonderful!!! I can only hope it stays like this for a while...I feel energized and so pumped by this kind of weather. When it is too hot...I don't want to run around the back yard with the kids...or even walk around the block. In weather like today - I'd walk around the whole neighborhood if I thought the kids could take it! haha
Today is my parent's 40th anniversary. Wow...40 years!!! I can't even begin to imagine. That is 10 times longer that Jeff and I have been married. I am so lucky that I was able to be influenced by such a wonderful couple with such a wonderful marriage. I am sure they've had issues - what marriage doesn't? But to have them as an example as to what I want my marriage to be is wonderful. I only hope that Jeff and I can have 40 years together full of such happiness and joy and love like Mom & Dad have had!!!
Well...that is all for now. I actually have some exciting news to share...but I can't yet...not until someone else says its okay...and then...watch out!!! So stay tuned to this blog in the next few days because I'm sure I'll post my news very soon. :)
UPDATE: NO...I'm not pregnant!!! The news is about my sister getting engaged (see the second post from this one...)
Tuesday, October 07, 2008
What a week...
We have made a discovery about our dog, Rally, that I doubt many people ever get to find out about their animals. Rally (who is just over 80 pounds now, by the way, with lots of growing and filling out yet to do) is allergic to berries. Not sure which ones - could be straw, blue or rasp - but he is allergic...as we found out on Monday morning when Kendall dropped her plate full of berries onto the floor after breakfast and he gobbled them up before I had time to get them all. One hour later...this is what I see:
As Jeff said - he looked like Jimmy Durante with his puffed up snout! Plus - I didn't take a picture, but he had hives all over his body under his hair as well... Thankfully the vet gave him a shot of Benadryl and a steroid and within about 4 hours, he looked normal again...
So my last class of Course 1 of cake decorating was last week...and below is the final product. Definitely a lot better from week 1 that is for sure! :) I won't tell you everything that I know is wrong with the cake...because isn't there always something wrong with a piece of "art" that you put your heart into...no one else can see it - but you sure can! Anyway - tonight I start Course 2 of cake decorating. There is only one cake (done on the last week of class), so no pictures of cakes for a while. But...that week will be a busy one for me as far as cakes are concerned. I'll be doing a cake for the Gator Homecoming Parade party at Jeff's office on the 24th (employees and their families meet at his office for lunch then walk down to the parade), a cake for a friend's baby shower on the 26th, and then the final cake for the class on the 28th. I sure hope my friends and family are hungry!!! haha
Saturday we drove down to Orlando and stayed with Mom and Dad in a hotel...because Sunday we went to Walt Disney World's Magic Kingdom again with the kids. We had a ball!!! Kendall was so excited all week long...it was practically all she could talk about. The weather was just about perfect (not too hot, a little overcast and a slight breeze every now and then), the kids were in great moods (considering they didn't sleep great the night before and didn't take naps that day at all), and it was great fun watching Mom & Dad race each other with the scooter's they rented for the day. Jeff and I are already checking our calendars to see when we can try to make it down there again...and we are planning on buying some season passes here pretty soon... Here are some pictures of our adventure.
The family as we came into the park.
Mom and Dad.
Kendall and Ariel ("The Little Mermaid" for those of you that don't follow Disney movies)
Kendall and Cinderella
Kendall and Belle (from "Beauty and the Beast"...see above)
Kendall & Aurora ("Sleeping Beauty"...gosh...does anyone watch kids movies but us???)
My happy little guy (a little fuzzy...but such a great pic I couldn't resist putting it here)
This is how I normally see him on a day to day basis...always with his mouth open - either shoving in food or "talking"
Dad took a lot of pictures and videos too and has sent me a disk of what he took...so once I get the disk I'm sure I'll put a lot more pictures on here.
Last but not least...I wanted to put on this really cute, short video, of the kids running in circles around our kitchen island...enjoy!!!
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