Carson had his 15 month check up - and is again off the charts (95th percentile) as to his height (34"), but is only at 75th percentile on weight (26 lbs). But developmentally in all other ways he is doing great. I even asked the doctor about his talking...because he doesn't talk nearly as much as Kendall did at his age. The doctor said that she was a rare case...normally only 2 or 3 words is pretty normal at 15 months. Since his appointment, he is definitely trying to pick up some more words. I think he is trying to say shoe anytime we put his shoes on. Today at the pet store he said bird as we were looking at some in a cage. I couldn't get him to repeat it...but he did say it once. He was being a pain with his sleeping schedule for a few nights...waking up by 5 or 5:30am for about 4 or 5 nights in a row. But thankfully the last few days he was back to 6:30 as normal. He is such a happy baby...hum...little boy. But let me tell you what...when he gets mad...woo hoo watch out!!! Yesterday after his bath, I was trying to get him dressed and wouldn't let him have his lovey, Floppy Dog, until we were done. He screamed and screamed and at one point dropped on his bottom on the floor crying. Leaned over with his face to the floor and fists balled up crying. It was hilarious!
Carson "getting tough" at breakfast one morning.
Playing in the rain.
Kendall is becoming such a little girl. She has actual conversations with you sometimes. Although she still doesn't listen to us when we tell her to do something...and although she still refuses to potty train (I am SOOO tired of diapers...) every day she looks more and more like a little girl... I know she is only about a month away from her 3rd it is amazing to me that in just a few years she will be even more of a little girl.
Playing in the rain.
Last Saturday (the 11th), Jeff stayed at home with the kids and let me go to the Gator football game. We were playing last year's BCS National Champions, the LSU Tigers. We KILLED them!!! The score was like 51 to 31 I think. GREAT game!!! My BFF Kelly was able to leave her four kids behind with her husband and we had a GREAT time!!!
Me & Kelly before the game.
Maria R., Don B., & Don's wife, Penny before the game.
On Sunday (the 12th), I had a Silpada Jewelry party at the house, and made these cupcakes. So only like 6 of them got eaten that day, and the last one was actually finished today, but it was still fun to make them.
Kendall enjoying one of the cupcakes.
Carson eating the icing...he never did eat the actual cake. :)
This upcoming week I have lots of cakes to I'm looking forward to putting their pictures on here when they are done.
Wednesday was my birthday...not necessarily a very happy one because I had a bad cold. So when the kids were in school that morning...I napped. When they took a nap that afternoon, I "rested" on the couch watching TV. With the exception of a slight cough now and then...I feel good again. But let me tell you..."Happy Birthday to Me" with a cold wasn't exactly what I wanted. haha
This weekend was a wonderful one. We were supposed to have one of Jeff's clients over on Saturday, but he ended up canceling. So we went and test drove some trucks on Saturday while Jeff's mom watched the kids, then went to church last night instead of this morning, so we had a relaxing morning this morning. It was so gorgeous outside that this morning while the kids were playing on their fort, I was walking around the yard picking up poo. I really, really, really need to do this like every other day...not every other week. Is it possible that the dogs can poo as much as the do?!?! I mean give me a break!!! Two grocery bags full of poo!!! Well over 20lbs worth! Plus...a couple of child's socks and bits of a blue plastic from a toy. I think that is one thing that is interesting...if something is missing...just walk through the yard and look through the steaming piles and you are sure to find bits of it in them! haha Anyway - after the kids nap, we went outside again and played with their t-ball set again, then kicked around a soccer ball. I love weather like this. Being a mid western girl...I have never gotten used to the heat the Florida produces on a constant basis. Growing up in the St. Louis area, there were probably two months out of the year that it was too hot to go outside and play. In Florida...I feel like it is so hot from June through mid October that I can't enjoy playing outside with kids. Today the high was 75 degrees, a little breezy. Wonderful!!! I can only hope it stays like this for a while...I feel energized and so pumped by this kind of weather. When it is too hot...I don't want to run around the back yard with the kids...or even walk around the block. In weather like today - I'd walk around the whole neighborhood if I thought the kids could take it! haha
Today is my parent's 40th anniversary. Wow...40 years!!! I can't even begin to imagine. That is 10 times longer that Jeff and I have been married. I am so lucky that I was able to be influenced by such a wonderful couple with such a wonderful marriage. I am sure they've had issues - what marriage doesn't? But to have them as an example as to what I want my marriage to be is wonderful. I only hope that Jeff and I can have 40 years together full of such happiness and joy and love like Mom & Dad have had!!!
Well...that is all for now. I actually have some exciting news to share...but I can't yet...not until someone else says its okay...and out!!! So stay tuned to this blog in the next few days because I'm sure I'll post my news very soon. :)
UPDATE: NO...I'm not pregnant!!! The news is about my sister getting engaged (see the second post from this one...)
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