Tuesday, January 12, 2010


Last night we were trying to convince Kendall that she had to go to bed. We explained to her that since she had been sick for the last almost week, that it is only with lots of rest that she can fully recover, and then go to school to play with her friends. So I started naming off the friends she has mentioned in the past that she likes to play with. Kyle. Elizabeth. Ty. Jonathan. Ian. Taryn. Katie.

This morning, Kendall comes to me and says, "Mommy, Katie won't play with me" in a whisper. I said "Have you asked her to play with you?" She said sadly, "Yes, but she won't play with me."

Ugh. Knife straight into her Mommy's heart. Momma Bear wants to find this little girl and ask her why she won't play with my precious. I want to put a remote control on her and make her play with my little girl so that Kendall won't have that disappointed look on her face anymore. Because I remember that feeling...

Why is it that some people are "accepted" and others aren't? I can't say that I wasn't a popular person in high school. In fact - if you look at my yearbook at all the activities and the kinds of activities I was in - you could probably win an argument that I was somewhat popular in school. Student Council. Pep Club. Drama Club. Thespian Society. Math Club (uggh...I know...I have my sister to thank for that one...). Varsity Danceline. But I never felt "accepted". I had several good friends in each of the different "social classes" in school. One of my very best friends, Erik, was your typical "nerd"..."band geek"..."drama weirdo". But I loved him. I too...was a drama weirdo. One of my other very best friends, Bobbie, wasn't a nerd...wasn't a band geek...wasn't in the "popular" crowd...I think she was a cheerleader (I know she was our freshman year - but I just can't remember through our senior year...isn't that sad...one of my best friends and I can't remember) ...she was one of the many friendly faces in school that no one gave a second thought about - and it was their loss. Because she was (and still is) one of the most genuine and generous and fun and happy people you could ever know and I love her and am still blessed to have her in my life.

I was in the Varsity Danceline my sophomore through senior years in high school. This association kind of gave me an instant "in" into what most people call the "popular" crowd...much like a cheerleader would have been. Two of my best friends then were Christine and Tiffany.

Tiffany was one of those people that everyone loved. Everyone. Teachers loved her. Kids loved her. Administration loved her. Parents loved her. She wasn't beautiful - but she was cute. Christine was, and still is, beautiful. Tiffany was super smart and finished school near the top of our class. She was a fantastic dancer, and in fact, was one of the choreographers for our danceline. If my memory serves me correctly - she had taken ballet from the time of a young child - and her parents had actually been approached about making her a prima ballerina - she had that kind of talent. Tiffany was friendly to everyone...and seemed to me at least, to be very genuine in everything she did and said. Other people said she was fake. Other people said that she couldn't be that happy all the time. She wasn't. Being one of her close friends in school - I saw her when she was sad or angry or worried. She just didn't show everyone that side of her. But - she wasn't perfect. No one is.

But why was Tiffany so "lovable" and someone like myself was not? Or...was I more accepted and loved than I thought I was, but because of my low self-esteem at the time (and currently at times...), I didn't think I was? I HATED high school. I felt like I constantly had to put on airs and be someone I didn't want to be for people to like me. I thought that in order to be accepted...I had to be liked. Most of the friendships I had back then are only distant glimmers now. I am still good friends with Bobbie and we try to reconnect via phone or email at least every couple of weeks. We also are planning on a "girls only" trip to Los Angeles in 2011 or 2012 if our budgets can handle it. I still talk to Christine more often than not. In fact, thanks to Skype I was able to have a video chat with her right before Christmas. Tiffany is a "friend" on Facebook, although I never hear from her. And Erik, the one friend I thought I would never lose touch with, I never talk to anymore at all. I know where he lives. I know he is married with a little boy. That is it.

My friendships that I have established as an adult are so much more deep and fulfilling than the ones from high school. Two of my very best friends now are April and Kelly. The connection I feel with them is so much deeper than I ever had previously. But I also have a TON of other friends from other connections. Church & Mom's Bible study. Junior League.

So how do I explain to my little girl that although Katie may not want to play with her now...some day she might want to. And even if she doesn't ever want to play with her, it is Katie's loss. As important as those first friendships and connections are in establishing and building our views of ourselves - it really isn't until we are adults that we really fully realize what friendship is and how important it is. I know that being popular isn't important. What is important is making connections with people. Being fully genuine in all you do. Being true to yourself and God above all else. But when you have that "pressure" to "fit in"...which I know someday my Kendall and Carson will experience...it is almost impossible to balance it all out. As a parent...I only hope that I can save my kids any heartache when the board tips in the wrong direction.

In the meantime...anyone know of any human remote control devices I can borrow?

1 comment:

aprilnoshoes said...

Awww..I think we could deal with our own social issues a lot easier than we can our children's!! Now we know how our parents felt when our love/friendship was rebuffed by some kid! I think even the most popular of people experience some sort of rejection at some time in their lives!! Eventually even those who seem to live a charmed life find something that their "charm" doesn't get them. I am thankful for having a kind mom that showed me how to be a kind hearted person. Kendall has that too, momma, don't worry! You know she has two of her biggest (little) fans here!! :-)