Tuesday, May 29, 2007

What a memorable weekend!!!

We went to Mom and Dad's house on Saturday morning. After lunch - they let Jeff and I go out while they watched Kendall. So - we went to Baby's R Us to try to get the must-haves for the new guy, then we went to see a movie (Pirates of the Caribbean - pretty good - slow at times - but still very enjoyable), and then to Dave and Busters for dinner and playtime. It was so nice. Jeff and I haven't had a "date night" in forever. Oh - we've been out with just each other while a babysitter watched Kendall - but lately its been for things like a wedding and rehearsal, or birth refresher classes, etc. So it was so refreshing to be able to go out and play with my husband! We were home by 9:30 (sorry...we aren't party animals at all...) but we still had so much fun!

Sunday morning/afternoon Mom and Dad had a "bar-b-que" at their house. So one of my girlfriends from Jax was able to come over, as well as my sister and two of her girlfriends and my Aunt Nita and Uncle Todd. So we swam (at least those of us that were brave enough to get into 76 degree water - personally - I thought it was great!!! Could be the whole pregnancy thing though...:)), ate burgers and dogs and brats, joked around with one another - and overall had a great time. Kendall entertained everyone, as usual, before going down for her nap around 2pm. By 5 when everyone had left...I was exhausted. What a full, fun day!!

Monday, though, has to be the best day of the bunch! Mom, Dad, Jeff, Kendall & I went to the zoo!!! Kendall and I have been once before - but she was so little she really didn't get what was going on. This time...she really enjoyed herself! She couldn't see much sitting in her stroller, so Jeff put her on his shoulders for much of the visit. We got to point out animals to her - and she really got a kick out of it...especially if they were moving around and not sleeping in the humidity.

If she was able to really express herself - I think she would say that her two favorite events from the zoo are the following:

Feeding the giraffes (or "yaya's" as she calls them), and riding on the carousel with Daddy.

Aren't there days that you wish you could bottle up and go back to once in a while. So if you are having a bad day or if you are away from your family, you could open up the bottle and soak in the memories. You could take in that feeling of happiness and togetherness that only being with your family or loved ones can give you. You could remember any time you want, the feeling of calm and relaxation that the day gave you.

This was one of those days.

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