Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Day 2

Well today was Kendall's 2nd day of pre-school. After a very good tip from my mother (get her hair just a little wet when putting it up) and some new hair bands (they stick to the hair like rubber bands but don't make it knot up) - I attempted piggy tails this morning. They were so darn cute!!! AND she actually kept them in ALL day long...even through her afternoon nap! Anyway - she was so cute this morning that I had to take some more pictures and post them.
I'm not sure what was cuter...either a) that whenever we tell her to smile (whether there is a camera in front of her or not) she says "cheese" or b) that when she saw me get the picture out she went running to the kitchen to stand in front of the wall where I've had her pose before. She is just way too smart!!!

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