Saturday, May 31, 2008

They're baaack!!!

We picked up the boys on Thursday - much to my chagrin. I have to admit...I was really enjoying life without dogs. I LOVE dogs. I LOVE how they are so excited to see you - even if you've only been gone for a few minutes. I LOVE the slobbery kisses and the warm body that cuddles up to you, begging for just a little bit of affection. I LOVE how they can read your mood - if you are sad or depressed - they KNOW it and they come to give you love. Dogs are wonderful. Dogs (in general) are better than some people I know. However...I was NOT looking forward to our house - a house that suddenly became a bit more peaceful - a house that was, for 3 weeks, devoid of hair flying around everywhere and lurking in corners - a house that could be left for a weekend without worrying about who was taking care of two of its occupants. I was NOT looking forward to the endless "No"s and the endless stress that having the dogs back was sure to bring. But I tell you what...when the staff at J&K brought our little furry children out from the back and they were jumping and whining and barking because they were so excited to see us - my heart softened and I was THRILLED to be getting them back!!! And so hasn't been too bad. The way they interact with each other is night and day different from when we brought them for the in-house training. They are playing and kissing and playing "bite face" and running around together. I haven't felt one stitch of tension between the two of them since we've had them home. That in and of itself makes my life SO much easier. Yesterday - Rally pretty much hung around me all day long...he was only in his crate when he was eating or when I was in Kendall's bedroom with Kendall & Carson playing with puzzles. Otherwise - Rally was peaceful and relatively calm and there was no problems between him and Chance. The only two "accidents" occurred on our back porch...and personally...I'm okay with that for right now. Eventually (hopefully) he'll learn to go in the grass each and every time. Right now I'm just thrilled that for the last 36 hours he hasn't had an accident in the house. :) I am still praying that things continue to go well...and I know we will have a setback here and there...but overall I think the money we spent at J&K was WELL worth the price!!! Here are a few pictures of our little furry guys now that they are home.

Rally and one of his toys.

Playing follow the leader in the back yard.

Oh - and some of you are probably wondering how much bigger Rally is than when we dropped him off. HE IS HUGE!!! And should see his paws. His paws are larger than Chance's. NO KIDDING!!! Although Chance might be bigger than him in stature right won't be for much longer!

Seeing as I haven't posted in two are some pictures of our trip to Hilton Head with our friends. It was a WONDERFUL time and we can't wait to go back there again.

Kendall in the "rocking boat". She LOVED IT. Jeff almost bought it for her...but it was over $500 by the time we would have paid for shipping...

Our happy guy in his stroller.

Kendall showing us her happy face (along with a partially eaten Cheerio).

Again...can anyone else see the similarities??? haha

Me and my love.

The family on the beach (ignore the big I'm not pregnant again...just still fat as I haven't even really attempted to lose any weight...and this swimming suit isn't exactly the most attractive one I have - but the other two I had brought were already dirty by that day)

Jeff shot this picture as the kids and I enjoyed sitting on the beach waiting for the surf to reach us.

Making sand castles. Even Carson was in on the action. And yes...don't adjust your computer screens - that is my tactile intolerant hubby playing in the sand as well...

Is it Carson? Or a cupie doll??? You decide...

The "gang" - from the right - Lance & Alicia P., Scott R., Griffen & Aidan P. and then us. This was taken about 5 minutes before we were back in the car and heading home.

Well - we are off to a family pool party one of my friends is hosting this morning at her community pool this morning. So - have a great day!!

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