Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Things I've learned being a mother of 2 (Part 2)

So here we are...almost 6 months after my first "Things I've learned..." post...and I think I can come up with a few more things to add to my original list...

6) My list of things to do is ever increasing. Procrastination. I just love that word. It really does explain a lot. Just the mere task of writing on my blog is a way that I am procrastinating. I have Baby books to update, Bible studies to complete, volunteer work to work on, beds to make, laundry to do, dishes to clean...the list never ends. However...somehow the black hole of a computer always sucks me in and I find myself either surfing the web (which really is pretty boring if you ask why oh why do I still do it...ugghhh) or playing stupid computer games. I use the excuse that since I don't get a lot of "down" time like people that have jobs outside of the homes get (talking to a co-worker, going out to lunch and getting away from your job, being able to drive to and from work and listen to whatever you want to, etc.), that my down time is when I sit on the computer and make absolutely no good use of my time. Good excuse right???

7) Laundry magically doubles itself with the addition of just one tiny little being. Pre-Carson, I would do probably about 3 to 4 loads of laundry a week (one load of whites, one load of colors, one to two loads of sheets and towels). I now do no less than 7 loads of laundry a week now (one load of whites, 2 to 3 loads of colors, and 2 to 3 loads of sheets and towels). HOW IS THIS POSSIBLE?!?! We are talking about adding a very little human can laundry double??? It must be because I have to change his sheets at least 2 times a week...because I guarantee he will spit up all over his sheet the very night I change all the sheets in the house. It could also be because we must go through 2 or 3 shirts a day some days for Carson...I don't remember Kendall ever spitting up this is a boy thing??? I am simply amazed every Thursday when I go to do laundry...I'm scared to death what would happen if Jeff and I actually did have a third child - we would have to rent out a laundry mat once a week just to get the laundry done quickly...

8) Children learn to play together very early on. This is one thing I honestly didn't expect. I knew that eventually Kendall and Carson would play together...but I had no idea it would start this early. It is so fun to watch them crawling all around the house giggling and squealing at each other. Kendall will be sitting on the floor playing quietly with a puzzle or blocks...when little Carson crawls up and starts to play too...which brings up my next point:

9) Children learn to fight with each other very early on. Now granted...this is mainly only on Kendall's side. But when Carson does come up to Kendall while she is playing all we here is "No, Carson, No! Carson! No Sir! No!" Usually this means that he has gotten a hold of a block or whatever toy she was enjoying...and has started to bang it to hear the sounds or has actually put it into his mouth to taste ("mmm...plastic...yummy!!") We have tried to teach her that if she doesn't want him playing with her things, she just needs to go get a toy that she does want him to play with. However...this usually only happens after a few minutes of frustration and tears and whining...then Kendall asks me what is wrong and I eventually stop crying...haha

10) When one child gets sick, they both get sick. I kind of suspected this one long before we even had Kendall...but it is officially confirmed. For those of you that don't already know...someone in our house has been sick almost every single week since Thanksgiving. We actually recently had about 10 days that no one was sick...not even a sniffle. But...lo and behold...Kendall was running a fever of 102.8 this morning...and Carson as a fountain of goo coming out of his nose. I think Kendall has an ear infection...and I suspect that Carson does too...because the last time she had did he. "The family that gets sick together, stays together"....right???

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