Saturday, August 23, 2008

She did it!!!

Although it may be a one time thing...and may not happen again for a long time...our little, ahem, big girl finally pooped on the potty tonight!!! I know that there are probably those of you out there that read my blog that don't have kids and don't understand the big brew-ha-ha when it comes to little ones pooping on the potty...but trust me when I is HUGE that she finally pooped! We have been potty training now for just over 3 weeks...and really only 2 1/2 of those have we actually started peeing on the potty. I can't begin to explain how hard it is to stay calm when you are cleaning out a dirty pair of panties... When they are wet...not so much a big expect that to happen. But...when they are adds a whole different dimension to the equation. I guess as adults, we get so disgusted at the thought of pooping in your underwear...that it is hard to understand why little ones are so reluctant to do it themselves. And it isn't just Kendall that has been reluctant to poop on the potty. All the mom's in my bible study have told me that pooping on the potty takes a long time. I've read lots of theories as to why that is...such as feeling like poop is a part of them (like an arm or a leg), so it is scary for them to flush it down the toilet. So the fact that she actually pooped on the potty tonight is a BIG deal.

Kendall was sitting on the potty, "reading" her High Five magazine (by the makers of Highlights), while I was getting her pj's and night-time pull up, when I hear her call out from the bathroom "Mommy, I poopied!" At first I thought I must have mis-heard her...because she had refused to even try to poopy every time we even mentioned it before. So I said, "What?" as I was walking in the door to the bathroom. She said "I poopied!" and moved a little bit on the potty so that I could see that she did in fact do it. I ran to the monitor in her room and yelled for Jeff to come right away. When he got there we proceeded to make a BIG deal about it - clapping our hands, giving high-fives, doing a poopy could tell that she was just so proud of herself!

Our big prayer that she will do it again...soon!! :)

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