Kendall's potty training has been going...well...its been going. She still poopies in her panties (I've thrown 2 pair away so far because once we were out and I didn't have a place to clean them up, and once because they were just nasty...), and still refuses to tell me when she poopies. I just "discover" that she has gone...either by the pungent smell radiating from her bottom...or from me telling her it is "potty time" and there is a load in her panties when we take them off in the bathroom. Everyone that has gone through potty training has told us that the poopies take the longest to get them to do...I sure wish that Kendall would be the exception rather than the rule on this one. And as far as tinkling in the potty...even that really isn't much better. I've found that I can't wait for her to tell me that she needs to go...because she won't tell me until a) she is already completely soaked or b) she has just tinkled a little bit and finishes off in the potty. So I try to make it a habit that we go and sit on the potty and "try" to go at least every hour and a half. Then...there are normally only 1 or 2 accidents throughout the day. Let me tell you what...I've never been so good about keeping my laundry up...I have to in order to make sure that we have enough clean panties around...
Carson has been doing great and is really starting to show more and more of his personality. He LOVES to make people laugh and loves to make noises on an almost constant basis. He is also a very determined little boy and doesn't quite grasp the word "no"...ever... And I am making a prediction...he will be climbing out of his crib within the next 2 months. He LOVES to climb on things and over things and into things and around things. I've even walked into his room to get him from his nap and seen him trying to put his leg up on the upper railing of his crib. Now, if you remember, Kendall climbed out of her crib when she was 16 months old...but she only did it the one time and never again. Carson...well...I have a feeling we will have to get a crib tent for him! hehe
Jeff is doing well...working hard and trying to keep clients calm in this economy. Poor guy. I can only imagine how much stress he is under on a regular basis...trying to keep his clients from pulling all their money out of the stock market and just hide it under their beds until the economy turns around. He does pretty well, however, of not bringing too much of that stress home around me and the kids. Occasionally he had a rougher day than normal, and he is obviously a little out of sorts when he gets home. But most of the time he comes home and grabs both kids and gives them hugs and kisses and tries to forget about his day for the rest of the night.
I am doing well...ready for school to start back up...but doing well. Because of potty training, we have been sticking relatively close to home the last few any chance I get to run out for even an hour with the kids...I try to. Today the kids had a hair cut and then we went to my girlfriend, Kelly's house for a "play date" with her 4 kids and our other friend, Lisa, and her 3 boys. It was so funny...we were sitting around Kelly's kitchen table, drinking coffee, discussing an article in "Cookie" magazine, when Lisa's son, Jonathan comes up behind us and says "Carson," and points to the corner of the kitchen where Carson was standing...carefully pulling everything out of Kelly's trash-can and putting it on the floor. We all died laughing. The last I had looked, probably not even a minute before that, Carson was just busy pulling magnets off of Kelly's refrigerator. I guess the trash-can was just too enticing for him.
Here is a picture of Carson from yesterday. He and Kendall were watching a show on TV while I was writing out some long overdue thank you notes from Carson's 1st Birthday party. I went into my office to get the addresses from my computer to put on the envelopes, and I heard Kendall say "Wake up Carson." I walk in and this is what I see...
How adorable is that??? I think the title to that picture should be "What is in that sippy cup??"
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