Thursday, September 04, 2008

Its the most wonderful time of the year...

School has started again!!! This means several things in our household:

1) Kendall is in school 4 days a week for about 3 hours each day (Tuesday through Friday)
2) Carson is in school 2 days a week for about 3 hours each day (Wednesday and Friday's), which means that
3) Mommy gets two mornings a week all to herself!!! plus...
4) College students are back in town, which means that
5) Our babysitters are back in town, including May (our absolute favorite), which means
6) She is here on Tuesday and Thursday afternoon's to "help out", which means
7) Tuesday and Thursday afternoons I can write my book, or go to the grocery store (like I did today) or sleep or do a million other things that I haven't been able to do (like update my blog), which means
8) I'm getting my sanity back!!! which means
9) Jeff isn't having to walk on tip-toes to avoid my roller coaster of emotions from being locked in a house with two kids for the entire month of August when there was no "summer" school for Kendall and when there was no babysitters around to let us take a date night here and there, which means
10) Happy Days are here again!!! (Can't you just hear the music???)

So hopefully with the "extra time" on my hands, I should be able to update my blog regularly.

I don't normally put the following kind of stuff in my blog - but I really feel led to do so today. My heart is aching right now for my friend M. She and her husband, R. have been trying to get pregnant for some time. She sent an e-mail out that she just found out that she is pregnant...but is having a miscarriage (she is just over 5 weeks pregnant). Some of you know that prior to Kendall, Jeff and I were pregnant once and lost that child due to a miscarriage at 6 weeks. And although the pregnancy is still so early on, losing it breaks your heart into a million pieces, and there are no words that can comfort you - only time. So - please say a prayer for her and her husband tonight that they would get comfort in their time of need.

On a brighter note, here are a couple pictures and a video or two for your enjoyment.

Carson is wishing he knew how to ride Kendall's tricycle!

I don't know about you...but this barely looks like the Kendall I know...but then again...her mouth is shut in this picture and it is rare that her mouth isn't moving at a hundred miles an mother like daughter I suppose! :)

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