The kids are tucked safely in bed. Jeff is at a meeting. And I am trying to play catch up to the ever multiplying laundry that I NEVER can seem to get a hold of. As a matter of fact - my washing machine beeped at me about 5 minutes ago...and I've yet to go do something about it. I know that if I do manage to get it into the dryer this evening, and if I manage to put another load in the washer...there are at least 2 or 3 more loads after that I'll never get around to doing. Laundry is simply the bain of my existence. Please tell me - why is it that no one (including my husband) knows how to take their clothes off without them becoming inside out? I mean really? At least 50-75% of ALL the socks are inside out as they go through the wash...which means they don't get cleaned very good. order to make sure all my laundry is actually clean (I mean...that is the point of doing it in the first place right?) I have to take 5-10 minutes just turning socks right side out. Argh. Also - could someone PLEASE invent receipt paper that doesn't disintegrate into a million little confetti balls in the dryer when it goes through in someone's pocket on accident. There is nothing worse than opening up the dryer only to have a mountain of tiny pieces of paper fall onto the floor in front of you.
Okay - enough venting. Life has been busy here. As usual. Kendall is now seeing a team of specialists at Nemours Children's clinic in Jacksonville to hopefully solve her soiling problem (see previous post here). Carson is doing GREAT with his speech therapy. In fact - the latest developmental inventory at his school shows his speech and language at a 5 year old level. We still think he needs more help with pronunciation...a LOT more help. But he really is doing tons better there! Now...we are hoping to get more work done on his motor skills. Some of his gross motor skills need some assistance, and he needs a lot of help on fine motor skills - specifically in regards to drawing/writing, etc. But - between his school and the additional therapy we are getting him outside of school - we are optimistic he will be caught up very quickly.
I am staying busy at real estate. I have one listing that is already in a contract. Another listing for a bank owned property in a condominium. And one (a single family home) that will be listed by the end of this week for the same bank that owns the condominium. I love the experience I'm getting and although I would like to be busier at times...I have to keep reminding myself that I am only part time. It is just that I get so excited and so gung ho...I have to reign myself in at times.
Here are just a few pictures.
The kids (Rally too) at Devil's Millhopper.
Jeff and the kids picking out just the right pumpkin for Halloween.
My friend Juliet from "Gnomeo & Juliet" (aka Kelly) and me (the bunny) at Trunk or Treat.
Kendall, Carson & Anthony getting ready to trick or treat. (Note the great looking Jack-o-Lantern that the kids and I carved out!)